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Xilon, the weak monk

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Xilon, the weak monk

Post by SupaCat »

I have made a monk-mage. Unarmored is his defense and blunt attack. Im with house Telvanni. Anyway... HOW THE °°°° DO YOU RAISE YOU'RE ARMOR RATING
I have the best clothes ( don't know if it matters?). My second question is, I must buy potion of flying BUTTTTTTTT after 24 hours they still dont have new ones ( after I have bouth hem) HELP PLEASE and thanks anyway
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Post by Maruchan »

try to get your alteration higher so you can use levitation and if you want to increase your armour rating use the armour or no armour and get hit (I think) to raise you skilzs with armour or without :(
And yes it is Maruchan like the noodles :p
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Post by beornica »

[QUOTE=Maruchan]try to get your alteration higher so you can use levitation and if you want to increase your armour rating use the armour or no armour and get hit (I think) to raise you skilzs with armour or without :( [/QUOTE]
That's why slaughterfish are so great: you can raise your athletics and your unarmored at the same time just by taking a little swim! ;)
Cool character. I just love role playing. 'Cept I would give him marksman, too. Think Friar Tuck in a tree with one of Robin Hood's longbows. Then levitation becomes REALLY useful.
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Post by fable »

Agreed on the slaughterfish. I would suggest spending some time visiting the little vermin and letting them train up any and all armor you might have, repeatedly. Don't bother sleeping between trainings. Why should you? The sheer excitement of being attacked by the fishy idiots should keep you awake and happy. ;)
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Post by JesterKing »

thats why unarmored stinks.. even wwith the highest unarmored skill you are weaker than you would be with light armor. and you cant just upgrade what you wear, no way, you have to get pounded again and again by bloodthirsty demented big headed punk fish... are you on xbox? probably the best thing to do if you dont have the money for a billion restore health potions then would be using the 'restore health' cheat... cheap and cheesy, but hey so is swimming around letting slaughterfish and dreaugh... i think the master trainer for unarmored is in a dwemer tower north of dagon fel, though that could be the hand to hand guy.

levitating potions... bah. find an amulet of levitating or something, or a scroll. when you find somehow to levitate up to master ayron (in telv vos) talk to the warrior dude about work. go down the the zianab camp and talk to the women there, they will tell you that you need trade goods, and then you can go BACK to ayrons tower and get an 'amulet of levitating' which is very useful, i use it all the time for things i dont want to waste 'scroll of windform' on. and its free :D
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