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where are the boots of blinding speed?

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Ideal Maxima
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where are the boots of blinding speed?

Post by Ideal Maxima »

now i've herd about the boots of blinding speed atleest 99999999999999 times now but nobody ever tells me where to find them :confused: can som1 plz tell me NOW???
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Post by unregisturd »

Arg! Does no one ever use the search around here? Ok, there's a little "search" option at the top of this page... Click it. Then type in "Boots of Blinding Speed." This question you are asking has been answered at least 20 times since I've been here, and I'm sure it's been answered before that.

Run around between Ald R'uhn, Caldera, and Gnaar Mok. You'll find the lady who has them. Her name is Pemine.
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Post by Rookierookie »

It is interesting that another thread concerning the exact same topic is right below this one.
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Post by fable »

It's actually a lot easier to use Search, here, than to find the annoying boots. Per numerous requests, thread's closed.
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