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Rare sword, Hoes fire or true flame..somthin

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Post by fable »

[QUOTE=Rookierookie]At one point I carried Umbra, Daedric Long Bow, Trueflame, Hopesfire, Her Ebony Scimitar, Ice Blade of the Monarch, Sunder, and Keening, along with Souldrinker and a Daedric dagger of stunning.

I decided that 619 units of weight were too much, though.[/QUOTE]

And that's why the Bethsoft folks included glass armor for packrats like you and me. ;)
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Post by Rookierookie »

I forgot to mention: I WAS wearing glass armour except for my cuirass.
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Post by UserUnfriendly »

[QUOTE=beornica]HAHAHAHAHAAA!!!!!! Why does that strike me as being so hilarious?[/QUOTE]

cause of the mental image of using a big hammer..

whack a mole arcade game.... :D :D :D
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Post by Rookierookie »

Sunder is not big. Try wielding Stendarr's Hammer.
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Post by Maruchan »

Unregistered here is a good easy to get weapon :)

Check out goldbrand all you have to do to get it is: there is an x on your map by hild oad (sp) north of sedaneen (sp) there should be a daedric ruin go west out int the water and you will come across a sunken ruin go and talk to the crumpled statue that is unda water and the will give you a mission to restore his statue and then go to Vivec and in the foreign quarter go to jabashas rare books get boethiems glory and go talk to the guy upstairs and he will go and build it at karthag point after he biulds it (takes forever go on mini quest) come back and BOOM you got gold brand faily easy dont ya think :p
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Post by unregisturd »

[QUOTE=Maruchan]Unregistered here is a good easy to get weapon :)

Check out goldbrand all you have to do to get it is: there is an x on your map by hild oad (sp) north of sedaneen (sp) there should be a daedric ruin go west out int the water and you will come across a sunken ruin go and talk to the crumpled statue that is unda water and the will give you a mission to restore his statue and then go to Vivec and in the foreign quarter go to jabashas rare books get boethiems glory and go talk to the guy upstairs and he will go and build it at karthag point after he biulds it (takes forever go on mini quest) come back and BOOM you got gold brand faily easy dont ya think :p [/QUOTE]

Hey... That really sucks. I swam all around that dumb shrine looking for a door and possibly some loot... I didn't even think of talking to the statue. :o :rolleyes: Thanks for the advice. I'll have to check it out sometime.
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Post by Maruchan »

lol, ok. Im not really sure if its better than Umbra (I really like Umbra)but you can use a shield.
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Post by fable »

It's not much of a weapon, frankly, though it looks nice enough: a little poison damage, and absorb fatigue. Big deal. :rolleyes:
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Post by unregisturd »

[QUOTE=fable]It's not much of a weapon, frankly, though it looks nice enough: a little poison damage, and absorb fatigue. Big deal. :rolleyes: [/QUOTE]

That is exactly how I felt about most weapons in the game. The reason I like Umbra... I does massive damage without having any "cast on strike" enchantment. It is enchanted, but I never use it's enchantments. I carry the Umbra sword around, along with my Deadric bow. And tons of other little throw-ie things, since I'm a 100 level marksman. :cool: But I often feel like a power-gamer with the Umbra sword, because I kill anything with 5 whacks, at the most. Including Ordinators. So that is why I tried walking around with a little dagger, leaving my Umbra at home... That was the worst thing ever. Took five minutes to kill something, even when I hit it with every swing. But I'm just repeating myself. Just because I can kill things with one hit with the Umbra... Does that make me a power-gamer? I use magic a lot, but I find that in fighting the spells are just too weak and take much too long. Longer than it should.
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Post by Maruchan »

Fable what are you talking about? are you thinking of GOLDBRAND, GOLDBRAND doesnt do poision its fire damage I think it does 50 points fire damage :rolleyes: huh anyways I think the damage is about the same to
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Post by fable »

Perhaps I'm running a mod that changed it; but I just looked up its default values within the game: 10-30 points of fire damage, not 50.

All I can say is that I'm even more massively underwhelmed than before. At least the version I've got does something a bit different than standard fare. This Goldbrand actually does less fire damage than the sword I enchanted, myself, and I use no cheese or cheats, nor is my current character very advanced in levels or skills.
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Post by Maruchan »

OK BUT how is its NORMAL damage as good, better or a little less than umbra and I think your right about the fire damage but ontop of normal attack itsa alot stronger than umbra and its a ONE handed weapon so you get a SHIELD ya no
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Post by fable »

I think normal damage is best. Reflect can be pretty nasty, and many serious enemies have it. And inate resistance can completely cancel elemental attacks. Normal damage will wear down Shield spells, and it will never bounce back at you.
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Post by Maruchan »

but why dont you just carry more than one weapon anyways, not to do your job for you but who do I talk to in order to start the missions I need to do to get true flame :confused:
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Post by fable »

But like I said, when you're facing tough enemies, you can expect to encounter Reflect and natural resistances. I don't even bother using an enchanted blade when it's not going to do any damage; what's the point? About the only enchant that does on-strike damage worth having around is Drain Health. And Goldbrand doesn't do that. It's just a long blade that does poorer fire damage than you could make for yourself by mid-game.
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Post by Maruchan »

Ok fable first of all its fun to get it cost 2000 its fairly light and it looks good ontop of that you were freakin out out that umbra is stronger now its fire damage sucks, of course its guna suck it came with the game but besides the point WHO DO I TALK TO TO GET TRUE FLAME :mad: thank you :p
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Post by fable »

and it looks good ontop of that you were freakin out out that umbra is stronger now its fire damage sucks...

Um, no, I never mentioned Umbra. Perhaps you're confusing me with somebody else? My only comment was that Goldbrand was wimpy, then somebody (*cough* you *cough*) freaked out about that. :D ;)

But getting back to the main theme of the thread, I think the best enchanted weapon type is one that boosts your own stats, like the Titan and Apollo broadswords. The difference may seem minor, but it works everytime you use it, and it can't be reflected or resisted. It's also a constant effect. There are still far better swords out there if you want to administer normal damage, but for enchantments, it's flawless.
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Post by Maruchan »

Ok fable your right Im wrong Im sorry I wont bother you again I wont challenge you again your the all knowing masta MY BAD ok....................BUT who do I talk to get true flame or hopes fire whatever the things are :confused:
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Post by fable »

Im sorry I wont bother you again I wont challenge you again

Oh, come now. Where would be the fun in that? :)

Besides, your opinions is as correct as my own, since it's based on personal preferences. By all means, carry around all the weapons you want. Personally, I suggest enchanting a good weapon or two, but the choice is yours.
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Post by Maruchan »

lol :p good point maybe a little then and as for my other weapons I use summoned ones like axes, bows and swords I llloooovvveee the bonuses for it
And yes it is Maruchan like the noodles :p
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