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Latest Greatest Housing Mods

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Latest Greatest Housing Mods

Post by Anonononomous »

Does anybody use these?

I was just looking through a mod thread and found them. But the link from that thread and the one from Morrowind Summit just contain pictures and readmes in the zip files. Does anybody know where I can get the actual substance of the mods from?
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Post by fable »

Define "actual substance." Do you mean, some idea what they offer? Don't the descriptions provide that? Or if they list websites in the readmes, don't those websites contain more info?
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Post by giles337 »

just hazarding a mighty wild guess here, but maybe he means the actual mod, as opposed to readmes and pictures.

post script... oops that sounded darn cheeky of me :rolleyes: no offence meant
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Post by Anonononomous »

Giles has got it. I know what the mods should have, but there's nothing in the DLs except some pictures and readmes.

What are other good house mods that have mannequins, anyway? I'm getting the Knights of Tamriel armors, but I obviously can't carry them all on me.
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