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Swashbuckler bug? Gauntlets of Extradorinary Specialization bug?

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Swashbuckler bug? Gauntlets of Extradorinary Specialization bug?

Post by makoslade »

Hello. I think there are two bugs in Baldur's Gate ToB, or at least two weird happenings. The first is with The Swashbuckler Class.

I started SoA with a Swashbuckler and when he reached 11th level, I dual classed him to Fighter. I've never noticed the bonuses a Swashbuckler gets with AC or THAC0 and Damage. Does this work correctly?

What made me think about it is I imported my character and his AC dropped 3 points, from -15 in the old game to -12 in the new game. Nothing else changed at all! I loaded the old game, dropped all equipment, and he had an AC of 3. How does that happen? His Dex bonus in -4. Where does that additional -3 come from?

Another bug I noticed was with the Gauntlets of Extradorinary Specialization. My character uses two long swords and has 4 attacks a round. I added the Gauntlets of Extradorinary Specialization and he still had 4 attacks. The Gauntlets of Extradorinary Specialization are supposed to add an additional attack, right?

Can anyone provide info on these glitches? Thanks for any help!

Also, the Swashbuckler-Fighter combo rocks. Great Thief abilities, and one wicked tank with Black Razor and the Flame Tongue +5. And he can steal the Tear of Bhall so he can keep Black Razor. And he stole a Ring of Gaxx. A very under-rated combo...
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Post by spork »

Swashbuckler/Fighter IS a great combo.
Swashbuckler/Mage is unstoppable. This was my solo PC.
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Post by jedifire »

Something like that happened to me too. I made a kensai/mage but when you import him to another game he loses some thaco bonuses that he used to have. He also loses abilities such as kai. I have found that when importing him into a throne of baal game from a shadows of amn game he will NOT lose any bonuses or abilities. But when transfering him from shadows of amn to shadows of amn or Throne of Baal to Throne of Ball or from Throne of Baal to Shadows of amn he will lose abilities. I dont know how to fix this but I think it happens with all classes.
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