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Vanity or Insanity?

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
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Do you agree with my views? (read below first)

I slightly agree and disagree with certian points in your views.
I slightly agree and disagree with certian points in your views.
I slightly agree and disagree with certian points in your views.
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Vanity or Insanity?

Post by lifeishell91 »

I know I said I am wearing the Cuirass of Saviours hide (in !~What do you bear on your shoulders?~! thread), but I decided not to because I think it is so ugly, so I have to wear a robe to cover it, but then the robe goes like through the sheild which looks SO weird, so I decided I am not going to wear the Cuirass, but still keep the sheild, but if I wear a robe, I might wear the cuirass and leave the sheild at home, depending on what I wear, but I also feel like I got the cuirass way too early in the game, (I am at lvl.16) so I feel cheesy, so I doubt I will wear it at all until I am at like lvl. 25-30.
Also keep in mind I am a Breton, so I would benefit from the CE enchantments of the cuirass.

This is my idea unless someone gives me a reason to go against, so tell me what do you think?
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Post by Maruchan »

I just started a brenton and Im goin with pure mage and to tell you the truth its up to you what you want I think you were the saviors hide ONLY......with clothes of course, and your sheild and personly I think that the hide is very stylish :cool: :D
And yes it is Maruchan like the noodles :p
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Post by lifeishell91 »

I see lot's of people have voted already on my pole, can people please post what answer they chose? :rolleyes:
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Post by Rane »

Well I answered yes.

I also try to use stuff that looks good. Sometimes it's hard to find a set of items that actually match each other or even look slightly good, at least in my eyes. Usually I end up using an entire set of the same type, e.g glass, daedric or sometimes Indoril. Putting a robe on might work for some armors but as you said it can result in small pieces of the cuirass showing up on the character, which simply looks awful.

And when it comes to saving more powerful items for later I choose to agree and disagree. I'd really like to a "Required Level" option for items and spells. It would bring some depth and force one to use more advanced tactics. But at the same time I want to able to use any items I find right away. Otherwise I would probably forget that I have them and leave them in one of my houses. So it's a real dilemma....
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Post by Ideal Maxima »

i think they're silly and stupid cuz hoo cares about the glitch, if som1 says "You must be doing good for your self wearing such nice armor'..... yada
yada y" u get the point rite? well as long as people think u look nice thas all that counts :)
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Post by lifeishell91 »

[QUOTE=Darc_Elv_Nyte]i think they're silly and stupid cuz hoo cares about the glitch, if som1 says "You must be doing good for your self wearing such nice armor'..... yada
yada y" u get the point rite? well as long as people think u look nice thas all that counts :) [/QUOTE]

Harldy a clarified answer but thank you for being honest.
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Post by giles337 »

well i think you are both vain and insane :p (nice title btw)

seriously though, i agree totally with you, wear whichever one you need at the time, cuirass or shield. m sure there is a really skimpy robe i found somewhere, which my ebony tower shield didn't go through, although, you could always tell yourself its just the cloth folding over the shield :rolleyes:
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Post by Demortis »

I think your are very vain, insanity hum i dont think ur isane just stupid at points. who cares if u see peices of your armor sticking out of your robes, it doesnt matter as long as u have what u need at the time.
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Post by Lost One »

I think you are a girly child. :D
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Post by fable »

If we can stop the Beavis and Butthead imitations and get back to the thread's theme, who knows, it might stay open yet for a while. ;)
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Post by Ideal Maxima »

i don get somthin , y wood any1 care for how they look?
isn't it about how good the armor works for u?
and if like the armor rating is ike 999999999999999999999999999999999999999 but u look like a retard.. i don no about u but i'd wear it :mad:

so i think that's y i support the 2nd choice "No i think it's silly."
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Post by fable »

That's the nice thing about the Knights of Tamriel series that Jeremy is doing as a mod. They're heavy, with an armor rating of roughly 140, and they look fantastic. Here's the link to the main page, where you can see the series. Six of 'em are currently available.
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