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What do you spend all your drakes on?

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
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What do you spend all your drakes on?

Post by fable »

This was prompted by the thread for making huge sums of drakes easily, quickly, in Morrowind. It has to be admitted, the game is ridiculously biased in this respect. Cheese everywhere makes it simple to amass huge fortunes in your first few levels, provided you're willing to 1) steal items, 2) make and sell potions, or 3) soul trap monsters.

But after a while you hit a dead end: all this gold, and few places to spend it. Where do *you* spend it, in fact? This thread should include both Morrowind/Tribunal/Bloodmoon resources and mods, if you use 'em.
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Post by JesterKing »

enchantments. or i used to anyways... more recently i make my own... I was thinking of being robin hood and giving gold to the poor, but thats dumb because they dont DO anything with it.
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Post by Ideal Maxima »

i make my money by killing the high ordinator in the armorers office in mournhold great bazaar, and taking his armor and sellin it to the armorer i get atleest 5000-10000 dollars for each piece of armor. one ordinator brings me to like 50000-100000
i spend it all on training and repairs :D
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Post by Anonononomous »

I drop it in big piles in my house then go swimming in it.
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Post by unregisturd »

I actually don't have that much moolah, after buying my latest enchantment. I've only got 83k or so. I spend it on travel, repair, and occasionally soul gems, but I rarely buy soul gems, and they are the only thing I buy from merchants. Enchantments and spells are where most of my cash goes.
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Post by Opalescence »

Training and enchantments, mostly. Although occassionally I buy out an entire city's merchants (every last item) and dump the goods in front of creeper. It's funny, you'd think the city would go belly-up after having Nerevar buy out the stock of every merchant in town, but no ... it's still solvent, amazingly.
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Post by Boss842 »

I spend my money on repairs since my character currently sucks as a do-it-yourselfer. I also spend it on travel since I'm impatient. But most goes to buying spells I need and don't need and to enchanting items. I'm a big fan of collecting Daedric weapons and then giving them constant enchantments such as waterbreathing and night-eye. But since Daedric weapons are heavy, you have to enchant all that exquisite clothing to constantly raise your strength. Or to constantly provide sanctuary, that's neat too.
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Post by lifeishell91 »

I spend it on buying maybe one or two alchemy ingredients for making useful potions, also, I spend it on training and spells. But I don't have alot now, only about 14K :)
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Post by fable »

For me, it's repairs at the moment, though as my youngish PC spreads out I expect to buy more from shop mods (such as the Suran Archery Tradehouse). I'm hoping, too, that one particular modder will finish an alchemy sorter and shop for buying it, soon. In which case I'll install one of the two or three multi-house selling mods, purchase a largely unfinished home, then decorate it myself using the furniture shop mods I've got installed, now.
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Post by KoreeGahn »

Women, Ale, food and so on.. what else should I spend my millions on? :p :D
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Post by blake »

private mobile base... or at least i did, until i recently uninstalled morrowind
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Post by Davidetuna »

Spellmaking is fun. :) Buy new spells and then combine them. Gives more effective spells.
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Post by Rookierookie »

Making enchanted items for fun and buying every expensive item they have out there.
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