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Dual-Class : Abjurer/Fighter

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Dual-Class : Abjurer/Fighter

Post by SP101 »

I'm currently starting a new game and picked up Gareth (1-Day NPC from

He's a level 3 Fighter dual-classed to a mage (lvl 4 when you pick him up). I was just wondering why would he be a Fighter/Mage if he's an ex-Cowled Wizard Enforcer. So I decided to change him into an Conjurer/Fighter (Dual-Class). He's now level 9 Conjurer. At wich level should I dual-class him in fighter?

I've think about lvl 11 for dual-classing (He gets lvl 6 Spells at this lvl). Tenser's Transformation & Imp. Haste are a must for a Fighter/Mage.

For those who ask : "Why do you pick Conjurer instead of another specialist mage class or even pure mage?"

Here's the answer : Conjurer get the specialist bonus (+1 spell/level) and lose the Divination School wich has only a few nice spells : Oracle, Identify & True Sight.

Kelsey will take care of the Divination/Dispelling/Damage-Dealing spells, while my Conjurer/Fighter (Gareth) will take care of Buffing (Self & Party buffing).
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Post by nephtu »


IMAO your dual-class is backwards - I'd think you'd want to dual class from fighter to mage, not the other way around, but if you must - level 11 is probably OK, since you'd need to go all the way to level 14 to get level 7 spells.

I'm really not a big fan of dual classing, especially if you have ToB, but suit yourself ;)
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Post by SP101 »

I don't want him to be powerful, I want him to be roleplay.
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