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Do you powergame or roleplay?

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Do you powergame or roleplay?

Post by Klorox »

Do you like to power through this game or roleplay the members of your party?

I've done both (and never finished the game). I'm wondering which one really is more rewarding in the end.

For instance, my current "power party" includes Edwin (he's the best mage), Korgan (he's the best fighter), and Keldorn (I like Paladins).

Now, these guys would never stand for each other in a "real life" situation.

Would I have more fun picking up characters like Nalia and Minsc? They're not "as powerful" as Edwin and Korgan, but they're "realistically" more likely to get along with my party.
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Post by iamweaver »

I generally role-play; though when soloing I will resort to the minimum amount of tweaks needed to survive the ToB boss encounters. I played around a while with pushing the game engine hard, powerplaying and munchkinization, but I fould it extremely boring because the game was so trivial. Even NwN OC was more interesting :) .
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Post by Nightmare »

I generally roleplay.
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Post by stramoski »


I don't think the two are mutually exclusive... But I roleplay more than powergame. I'm greedy, though, and if we're talking party selection in SoA, I usually go with 5 set characters, leave Yoshi at the Copper Coronet for retrieval before going after my little sis, and "plug-in-play" the extra NPC's. Pick up Korgan's Book, then get rid of Korgan. Fight Edwin's Lich, then let Edwin go. I hate the idea of missing anything, and I like NPC-specific quests and dialogue. But I do like commonly aligned parties after chapter 3...
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Post by SP101 »

I'm role-playing since my 2nd game on BG2. I always power-game on my first game, so I can go trought the game without alot of troubles, but after that, I'm having fun looking arround at funny npcs like Nalia, Jan or Haer'D.
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Post by Brynn »

Surely roleplaying is the more "rewarding" in that it is more fun and feels more like adventure! Pursuing the most powerful items and re-entering areas just to gain more xp takes a lot away from the feeling, I guess. I don't see the point in developing level 40 chars and cheating to get more money, though many do that, too. And I found that I was able to get everything I needed without raising extremely high amount of money. (Sometimes I had to come back later for a specific item, but that just made it even more worthy for me - just like in real life, easy to get things are usually less valuable)

To create a party that would possibly work in "real" life is another matter, since mainly all chars will get on with you in the game (rep points count, of course). I always pick NPCs I like - e.g. I could never leave Nalia out! On the other hand, creating a party of Nalia, Aerie, Edwin and Viconia is not that effective :) It's best to decide first what kind of allies you need (eg a warrior is a must, if you're a mage) and then pick the warrior NPC you like the most.
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Post by araknid70 »

I commonly find some other character out of other media like japanese anime as my main character and style the party (and member choice) in relation to the main character.
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Post by Brynn »

SP, that's a good way to go, I do the same. I never find everything for the first time, so it's basically only exploring the main areas and quests, but for the second and third (and fourth, and so on... :) ) time I take my time and check everything to make sure that I get the most out of the game :)
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Post by boo's daddy »

Interesting; I do it the other way round. i.e. rescued Imoen as fast as possible the first time, subsequent goes have been more about getting as much experience and loot as possible.

On a micro level, I always try to role play. Usually by resting as little as possible (who wants to sleep on a manky dungeon floor?), avoiding reloads, spoilers and cheats.

Much more fun in role play, and it's great that the game adapts to your level so that you know you're usually in with a chance. I've tried a few weird themes, currently Druid. Must give the solo kensai/mage a go that everyone keeps going on about.
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Post by Morril »

I always roleplay. I think it is more "satisfying" that way.
Makes you feel more that you are "one with you character".
Overpowering is absolutely not interesting. I can't see the fun in have a level 40 character with overpowered items who makes him a semigod - where is the challenge and fun of playing??
I always play a mage (or similar) because I think it is very interesting to develop him (her) from a very weak person who can hardly kill a mouse to a very powerfull magic user late in the game. Starting with a character who can kill every enemy without problems is boooring :)
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Post by Tower_Master »

To me, the most important thing would have to be "roleplaying". I'd prefer to have a party where I can enjoy the reactions between NPCs (Minsc, Minsc and Jan, Minsc and Jaheira, the list goes on and on), then a powerful party with no real fun at all.
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Post by Brynn »

Don't leave Hear'Dalis out, then :) He's the most entertainging guy I've ever met. Minsc is too lovely to miss, too, but Jaheira is too bossy for me. (Er.. I think it's time for me to look for the "Which NPC do you like the most" thread if there is one :D )

The other thing about high level chars is that after a certain level you actually don't improve. So there's not much difference between level 40 and 41. what's the point in having 5 Time Stop spells? You'll never use that much in a day. It's much more challenging to reach the level when you can cast 6th level spells at last :)
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Post by Adahn »

Role play all the way!
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Post by Brynn »

Right you are! :)
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Post by concluder1 »

I think it's alot more fun to roleplay.
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Post by nephtu »


I'm not sure that there is really a strict dichotomy between roleplaying and powergaming.

If we define roleplaying as "an imaginative exercise to determine what a hypothetical half-elven sorceror might do in the world of Faerun", and define powergaming as "seeking to win the game efficiently" the only conflict is metagame issues - basically the fact that you can see your little play-rat running around in the maze.

You can't unlearn that knowledge - you already know the Flail of Ages is a good weapon, and where it is to be had, or that Liarcor is a nice two hander and available early on in the game. Short of perverse exercises in "well, my character wouldn't know which way to go" there's no necessary conflict.

Your character is strongly motivated to rescue Imoen and/or beat the tar out of Irenicus. The argument that a virtuous Paladin wouldn't take a wicked sort like Edwin into his party is juvenile crap - he would if he weren't a sanctimonious blockhead ;) There may be options a character chooses not to pursue, but arguing that constitutes roleplay, is, frankly, specious - one can roleplay justify the vast bulk of meaningful game decisions.

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Post by Brynn »

Powergaming for me is having no other goal than becoming powerful and extremely rich by any means - cheese & cheat allowed. That's what I'm against. Well, not really against, if someone prefers it that way, fine with me, I just wouldn't choose this path, that's all.
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Post by moltovir »

(spoilers ahead)

Major story spoilers!
If you would really roleplay, the game would be insanely hard. Who cares about Trademeet or the Umar Hills if your sister is in danger? Who cares about returning to a fancy stronghold to help some poor farmers if you need the Rhynn Lanthorn to save Suldanesselar and beat your archenemy Irenicus? True roleplayers would exit Chateau Irenicus, pay whatever side they want, do the quests and part for Brynnlaw immediatly, take the quickest route into the Underdark, and thereafter directly get the Lantorn to get to Suldanesselar. They would probably die 10 times per minute, but that's what i call true roleplay :)
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Post by Brynn »

You've got a point there... But I think it can be done by rushing to Spellhold for Imoen and coming back to complete the quests...
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Post by SP101 »

Well... if your roleplay, you'll *fear* a little Irenicus, so you'll want to prepare yourself before rescuing Imoen, so you can do a few quests that could reward you well (Windspear Hills looked like a rewarding quest to me) and "Class-Related quest" : A mage can be curious about the Planar Sphere and investigate it, while a warrior could want to help Nalia to gain money.
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