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how do you lower resistance to disease?

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how do you lower resistance to disease?

Post by Ideal Maxima »

well my title suggests it all... i want to become a vampire but i don no how to lower my resistance to disease! i don wanna create a new character cuz this gy has everything but i did the profecies with him so i am resistant to disease!I read somwhere that u can make a lower resistance to disease potion but i don no how to make can can som1 help me plz! :confused:

Thank You in advance :)
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Post by Rane »

Go to the Mages Guild in Caldera. Buy the "Weakness to Common Disease" spell from Medila Indaren. Now when you know the spell you can either make a new spell that gives Weakness to Common Disease on Self for a short time or you can enchant an item to either have Cast on Use or Constant Effect Weakness. Using Constant Effect might be considered a waste of a good soul and money but it's more convenient.

So then you just go fight some vampires and cast the Weakness spell, use the charged item or equip the CE Weakness item. That should do it.

How to make a potion with Weakness to Common Disease is beyond my knowledge. Can't remember any ingredient that gives that kind of Weakness. Poison weakness I've seen but not Common Disease.
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Post by Opalescence »

I'm not sure how high you can make a Constant Effect weakness to diesease on self, but if it's lower than 50% than you might have to make it on cast (this is for items). Remember, there is only a (quite low) CHANCE that with an attack by a vampire, you'd contract the vampire disease. So, even if you lower your resistance to 50%, you'd still be pretty unlikely to catch vampirism. For best effect lower it all the way (100%). Problem is, I'm not sure how long you could make the effect last (and still be able to cast the spell, or the item to be able to hold it). All I can say is, get it to last as long as possible, because once it took upwards of 12 successful hits (not to mention the misses) before I contracted the disease.
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Post by dark_raven »

constant effect requires a grand soul gem (azura's star soul gem counts{i think that's her name, that god thing...}) with a winged twilight or golden saint in it... may be a few others but don't remember.
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Post by Rane »

Almost right :D . To make a Constant Effect item you need a grand soul gem or the re-usable Azura's Star with the soul of a Golden Saint or an Ascended Sleeper. These souls are also best for creating Cast on Use or Strike since they give the item 400 charges.
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Post by Ideal Maxima »

how do i ge the azura's star soul gem? :confused:
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Post by Ideal Maxima »

will som1 please tell me :confused:
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Post by Rane »

Take it easy. No need to get upset. People don't sit here all day waiting for others to ask for their help. People drop in, check out the threads, answer if they can, log off. So you could wait a bit longer than 1 ½ hour before asking again. I already answered your question about Azura's Star in its own thread so I wont repeat it here.
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Post by fable »

Dark Elv Nyte, if you want to ask a question different from the one that heads this thread, start another thread. That's what threads are there for. People who see this thread will know what it's about without looking. If they see a thread entitled "How do I get Azura's Star?" they'll know exactly its contents.
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