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how do i complete my land deed

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how do i complete my land deed

Post by hlaalumember »

i have bought the land deed from the person in vivec hlaalu for the odai plateu the only problem is that i cant find my house where is it or how do i build it and is it true u can build a stronghold there] :confused:
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Post by dark_raven »

give the deed to the person who told you to get it (in balmora) then follow the river out of balmora till you come to the platue (or wse a ship to go to the fishing villige closest to the platue) there should be someone @ the platue that is the construction manager. the rest is self explanitory (i hope :D , if not pm me)
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Post by Rookierookie »

^are you sure you didn't miss something? :rolleyes:
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