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Experience gains in Normal

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Black Isle Studios' Icewind Dale II.
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Experience gains in Normal

Post by dahakon »

Is it just me, or is my game bugged somehow? I'm just going through Chapter 3, and I killed 2 White Dragons, who yielded about 300 experience apiece. To me, that seems absurdly low considering what I get from killing a dragon in BG2 for example.

Also, killing Hook Horrors, I get NO exp whatsoever. My characters are all at lvl 12 at the moment. Can it be that I've advanced too much and do not get exp from monsters because of that?
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Post by Heidrek »

'fraid so. I remeber getting over 1000 xp for killing Remhoraz in the Ice Temple, and then getting very little for killing the Dragons and Wyrms you mention. Quest experience is the best to go for as it seems to be the same regardless of level. Don't despair though, my Sorceror is Level 17 and I'm nearly finished the game so you can still level up fair bit before the game is over despite the XP adjustment (P.S. the "How to be an Adventurer" book is a must!)
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Post by Wrath-Of-Egg »

it is all about 3 D&D... rules... so the higher level you are less XP you get...
It has something to do with BALANCE.... without that thnig all chars would be level 30.. at end of the game...(6 player party...) but that no XP thing is just lame... you should atleast get 1 XP...

How can you say no to this face? :D

But seriusly.. Party without Bard is not party...

I can understand that SYM forum.. mentally 6 year old people is just running around with scissors on their hand.

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Post by neocool00 »

Weidu has a mod that changes the tables so that creatures that would not give you any experience will now give you like 25 xp. I know when messing around in Chapter 1 that the xp difference doesn't come into effect until you reach level 7. I had a party of 4 at level 6 and was planning to squat them until I got to the Ice Temple. After killing an orge sharman at level 6, I got 150 xp. I then saved my game, leveled up and went to battle some more. This time, at level 7, I only got 132 xp. Not too much of a difference, but mutliple it out by all the creatures in Chapter 1 and it adds up. So I loaded back up my level 6 characters and I'm going to try and see how far they can go before I obsolutely have to level them.
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