Atari isn't exactly famous about making good games but one can always hope they dont make the mistake of using some halfarsed 3d engine for baldur's gate.If You agree our point of view, sind our petition, which is placed here ->
Baldurs Gate and Icewind Dale fans are disappointed with the news that Baldurs Gate III will use 3D graphic engine. We don't want new NWN or ToEE, we want interesting and easy playable game in 2D isometric view. Infinity engine is welcomed. Ogre curved mouth would be "nice" in NWN 2 but not in Baldurs Gate III. ToEE used "new cool graphics" and failed on all lines. Making quest in a Hommlet was a disaster… We demand that BG III would be a 2D isometric game, if not - do not dare call it Baldurs Gate III. And furthermore - don't make a stupid fantasy Dragonball like game where quest are like go kill 100 goblins.
So sign people, sign!