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The ultimate favo mage/cleric poll

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The ultimate favo mage/cleric poll

Post by M_J »

Alright i searched the entire forum and found several posts regarding this subject but none really pleased me. My question to all of you is what is your favorite clericdomain and/or favo mage specialisation.

My reasons for asking there are these:
First off because i am writing a ID2 guide to wizardry (the european versions manual is full of mistakes when it comes to opposition shools en spells, so i felt compelled to write one)
Secondly because i am really curious to your opinions, so please explain WHY it is your favo cleric/mage.

Here is my top 3 clerics:
1-Battelguard of tempus (love his axe feats and his group helping spells)
2-Dreadmaster of bane (love their bonusses and their offensive domainspells)
3-Morninglord of lathander (like this one quite a lot less then the other 2 but still has some nice bonusses+domainspells)

My top 3 of mages:
1-Abjurer (loses a few good spells like stoneskin and disintegrate but no real harm done)
2-Transmuter (loses some more spells,mostly deathspells but still doable)
3-Illusionist (same as transmuter)

*I mostly look forward to responses from people that consider diviner the best specialisation (and there are plenty of those ppl out there, i know) because i have never been able to understand why. Every time i get into a discussion with one of them they say the same thing: "you only lose some summoning spells, summon undead is better". This is idd true but what they do not seem to realise is that conjuration is the biggest school ingame with 44 spells (secondbiggest is evocation with 33). Not only that but you lose spells like flame arrow, acid arrow ,all cloud spells and all symbol spells, these are things i use constantly.
**Am i the only one that thinks specialisation in id2 is completely f*cked up?? i mean for example: conjuration contains 44 spells, while divination contains 4!!!! spells in its school. And then there is the fact the several specialists have the same oppostion schools, thats just wierd and unlogical.

Lastly i just wanna say, thnx for any replies, bot for cleric or mage, it will surely help me get a better perspective on the spellcasting aspect of the game. All opinions will be respected!
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Post by Heidrek »

I took a diviner as my specialist mage for exactly the reasons you mentioned - what do I need Summon spells for right? I wish I hadn't now, you lose Grease (VERY useful as evan a sucessful save means they get slowed down enough for another cast at them before they close to melee range), Web, Acid Arrow, Vitrolic Sphere, Flame Arrow, Gate and all the Power Words. This does indeed bite. My Wizard is still good, at low levels he has Aganzar's Scorcher, Horror, Ice Dagger, Magic Missile and Chromatic Orb, plus Invisibility to get himself out of trouble and then Animate Dead, Fireball, Skulltrap, Malison and the Shadow Conjuration/Shades spells. In later levels it's all Finger of Death, Chain Lightning and Delayed Blast Fireball/Horid Wilting.

All in all, I'd rather chose another Specialisation though as some of those spells are really useful.

My Cleric is a battleguard for exactly the same reasons. Recitation Rocks, and the Power Word domain spells are very helpful. Weapon Focus - Axe is also great as it covers Throwing, Battle and Greataxes.
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Post by Mirk »

the answer to best X/best Y lies IMO not in the class itself, but in the role this character will fill in a party. in most of my parties the spellcasters most of the time fill the role of party buffer/enemy debuffer. most of direct damage is done by the tank, scout/magekiller and the sniper. this does not rule out the possibility of doing direct spell damage, but this is something that my spellcasters will do rarely.

for this resaons, my favorite spellcaster classes are:

*arcane - Sorcerer. because of the limited number of spells i use, the ability to get more of those at the expence of flexibility is great. furthermore, getting insanely high Cha is reatively easy in IWD2 (compared to Int), thus the save DC vs. his spells are very high. i usually multiclass the sorc with one level of Paladin, or Rogue (for beter equipment and versatility) and use him off-combat as the parties negotiator.

*divine - Lorekeeper of Oghma. great domain spells (especially at high levels - the power words, symbols, etc). very fitting with the "wise armored guy with a book" portrait i love to use. an EXELLENT party buffer i had was a bard 1/lorekeeper X. use level 1 song at the beginning of battle, cast the best "stop where you are so my fighters can kill you spell", and start casting party-buffer spells. a good protector of the fragile Sorc and Rogue if attacked from behind the lines. doubled as the alchemist/loremaster, too.

another divine build i enjoyed in small parties was Paladin 1/Monk 1/Painbearer of Illmater X. this one was the main "one-fight-a-day" char: acted as a regular divine caster for most part, but when the party needed an UBER-tank, he would just shine: self-buffs (cleric & domain), INSANE saving throws, evasion, two great monk items (belt that gives immunity to confusion and bracer that give an extra attack) made him nearly un-damagable by spells and weapons and deadly damage-dealing.
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Post by Opalescence »

Battleguard of Tempus. A Shield Dwarf Fighter 4/BGoT is practically a tank with awesome spells!

Necromancer. From a purely Roleplaying standpoint, I simply luuuuuve being the evil necromantic dude.
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Post by shaughn78 »

my favorite cleric would be Ilmater mostly for the fact that you can create a party around Ilmater with the paladin monk and cleric
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Post by Gauda »

[QUOTE=Mirk]the answer to best X/best Y lies IMO not in the class itself, but in the role this character will fill in a party. in most of my parties the spellcasters most of the time fill the role of party buffer/enemy debuffer. most of direct damage is done by the tank, scout/magekiller and the sniper. this does not rule out the possibility of doing direct spell damage, but this is something that my spellcasters will do rarely.

for this resaons, my favorite spellcaster classes are:

*arcane - Sorcerer. because of the limited number of spells i use, the ability to get more of those at the expence of flexibility is great. furthermore, getting insanely high Cha is reatively easy in IWD2 (compared to Int), thus the save DC vs. his spells are very high. i usually multiclass the sorc with one level of Paladin, or Rogue (for beter equipment and versatility) and use him off-combat as the parties negotiator.

*divine - Lorekeeper of Oghma. great domain spells (especially at high levels - the power words, symbols, etc). very fitting with the "wise armored guy with a book" portrait i love to use. an EXELLENT party buffer i had was a bard 1/lorekeeper X. use level 1 song at the beginning of battle, cast the best "stop where you are so my fighters can kill you spell", and start casting party-buffer spells. a good protector of the fragile Sorc and Rogue if attacked from behind the lines. doubled as the alchemist/loremaster, too.

another divine build i enjoyed in small parties was Paladin 1/Monk 1/Painbearer of Illmater X. this one was the main "one-fight-a-day" char: acted as a regular divine caster for most part, but when the party needed an UBER-tank, he would just shine: self-buffs (cleric & domain), INSANE saving throws, evasion, two great monk items (belt that gives immunity to confusion and bracer that give an extra attack) made him nearly un-damagable by spells and weapons and deadly damage-dealing.[/QUOTE]

Only one level in paladin when taking sorc? Wtf? Are you aware over that if you take two levels in paladin, you get your cha score added up to all your saves, and thus can get insane saving throws, if you're going to add paladin levels, at least add two.
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Post by Mirk »


thank you for your reply.

couple of things to correct, though:

- paladin gets the "Divine Grace" ability (Cha bonus to saving throws) at level 1.

- what he gets at level 2 is "Aura of Courage" (Immunity to fear for the paladin himself and +4 on save vs. fear for allies standing close to him). I consider this ability useless for a sorcerer, since he has a high will save as it is (especially backed by the high Cha scores)
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Post by Mirk »

@ shaughn78:

this is actually a very cool idea!
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Post by talyn »

My favourite Cleric Domain has to be a Demarch of Mask. My favourite mage spell in the entire game is Mirror Image, especially coupled with a Sorcerer. But if you have a Cleric summoning Shades, turning himself inivisible, mirror imaging himself, casting Black Blade of Disaster at higher levels, I just think it's the best one.
Though the Dreadmaster of Bane comes second, as I love screwing with the enemy (no pun intended) before killing them.
With regard to mages, I never have them. But my favourite specialisation is Enchanter, despite the loss of Evocation, which admittedly is an inifinitely useful group of spells, but I figure I can get my Druid to do enough damage with his Thorn Sprays, Ice Storms and Earthquakes.
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