a few bad things....but lmao
I just got the chance to listen to it and I must say, this is not apt in this forum. If you disagree, please give Buck a pm and let him decide if it is okay or not.
By the way, you don't need to create more threads just to catch the attention of the other members to your thread. If the members don't post it's likely their personal choice.
Thanks. - Maharlika
Foamy the squirrel ownz
Foamy: Don't make me pull the plug!
Germaine: What plug?
Foamy: This plug!
Germaine: Thats the plug to the toaster....
Foamy: aww.....I was makin toast....now its all ruined!
"Those who control the past control the future, those who control the present control the past" And I rule the PRESENT!!
I put the 'laughter' back in 'slaughter'
Foamy: Don't make me pull the plug!
Germaine: What plug?
Foamy: This plug!
Germaine: Thats the plug to the toaster....
Foamy: aww.....I was makin toast....now its all ruined!
Foamy: Don't make me pull the plug!
Germaine: What plug?
Foamy: This plug!
Germaine: Thats the plug to the toaster....
Foamy: aww.....I was makin toast....now its all ruined!