On Kashyyyk, Lower Shadow Lands, I am having a problem taking care of the second Group of Madelorian guards that appear when you walk around unarmed. Seems like Bastila gets wacked really fast, and then myself and then Jolee soon after. Is there any stratagy that makes this fight a little easier, any help is apperciated!!!!
If you have force choke use it. I will paralyze them for a bit then damage them. If you turned Juhani to the light side, take bastila out and put in Juhani. Force Cure/Heal helps to
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Force Resistance, and healing potions. Even if one member of your party gets knocked out, the others should be able to handle those wimps. You should also have gear that establishes a natural resistance to mental attacks.
To the Righteous belong the fruits of violent victory. The rest of us will have to settle for warm friends, warm lovers, and a wink from a quietly supportive universe.
I really hope yu are re-equiping your charachter's weapons before combat!! I 've done it without them, but not the first time. I also have trouble equiping Bastila's Lightsaber, it just wont stick. Anyways, just bring them down swinging!!
if the weapons wont stay equipped when you get jumped, check to make sure your party is not already attacking - you can't change weapons while in attack mode!
Look basically if you want to beat them, well you cant suck, right after equiping your allies weapons give them some adren stims to increase their speed, it should boost their parrying and give you an edge over the mandalorians, or if that doesnt work for you, go solo mode right before getting into position then once combat starts just try to survive untill they here the battle and come running to help you