The ultimate party -- I BET NOBODY THOUGHT OF THIS ONE!!!! -- Haha, read & be amazed
I said MAYBE good. Never tried them out as an archer (and I never shall, because I don't use any fighters)
I don't know it, it sounds reasonable well on paper.
Because you can atack earlier then the mage can cast his spell.
So their spell failure chance is really hich and you can butcher them easily aftherwards.
I said MAYBE good. Never tried them out as an archer (and I never shall, because I don't use any fighters)
I don't know it, it sounds reasonable well on paper.
Because you can atack earlier then the mage can cast his spell.
So their spell failure chance is really hich and you can butcher them easily aftherwards.
Sorcery and Shadow together as one, the arcane and the dark united. Through our knowledge and skill none can stand against us. We are as one, infallible and invincible. The Shadow Mages.