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This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn.
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Post by jimmy_d »

Hello folks, i just started the game and it hasn't taken long to get stuck. It seems i do alright getting thru the different areas, dungeon, circus tent, i can't remember all the names of the different quests i've been on but i get to the main bad guys and get wiped out immediatly. Don't stand a chance. Also i don't seem to move fast enough trying to cast spells, the icons disappear before i can click on them, and if i manage to, the spell disappears from the cursor before i can target. I'm afraid i'm getting terribly frustrated with this game.
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Post by me0w »

Try to be a little more specific please.

What "main bad guys" .. theres only one real boss.

What area are you in, who are you fighting, what quest are you fighting them for?

What icon and what spells?

Sorry, but you leave WAY too many questions unanswered, I dunno where to start to help you.
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Post by glenfar »

Pausing the game can help - try pressing the space bar. Or you can set it up to auto-pause on certain events in the game options. That should solve your problems with casting spells ...
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Post by jimmy_d »

being more specific

Ok, let's see. i thought the quests were levels you had to work/fight your way through with main bad guys at or near completion of the given level. like the snake looking mage / troll whatever that thing is in De'Arnise Keep. At Umar hills all i saw was a shadow thing after the wolf creature tries to warn me about it being a trap. In the planar sphere there is a human looking mage i can't even get close to.
The icon bar along the bottom of the screen that shows an individuals abilities, it has a star icon on the right end that shows what spells that individual has memorized.
I hope that along with the first post is enough info. I have gone from quest to quest thinking i've gotten them out of order so that my experience levels aren't high enough but i keep getting tromped.
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Post by glenfar »

Actually the star on the right is your special abilities button. They're spell-like, but not exactly the same as spells. The spell icon (assuming you have a character who can cast spells) is the one in the middle that looks kind of like three stars and a cresent moon.

If you haven't already, you'll also have to choose which spells to memorize - on the left side of the screen, there's what looks like a couple books - the top one is for mage spells, the bottom one is for priests spells. Select the spells you want, then rest to memorize them.

As for quests, there's no set order, but some are certainly tougher than others - you may want to try some of the quests in the city before venturing out.

The other thing to beware of, is that mages can cast protection spells that render them immune to certain weapons - either normal or magical (but fortunately not both at the same time!). That could be why you're having problems - if they cast protection from magic weapons, and you're using magic weapons, you can pound away at them all day and not even scratch them. You can try switching to normal weapons if the magic weapons aren't working. Better is to use a mage to bring down their defenses. You'll need to use a spell such as Breach, Pierce Magic, Secret Word etc for that.

Hope that helps ...
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Post by jimmy_d »

thanks glenfar, you wouldn't happen to know why i'm having difficulty moving fast enough to pick up the mage or priest spells before the icon bar reverts back would you? i hope i'm describing it clear enough so you can understand the problems i'm having during the battles.
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Post by Tower_Master »

I find it helpful to use the auto-pause feature. Really makes life easier. Don't let yourself gets frustrated - BGII is the greatest game of all time. Good luck!
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Post by Skuld »

Ok everyone's telling you to use the pause feature. I'm not sure if you've figured it out or not but whenever you thin you want to cast a spell or set up your party for a battle simple press the space bar to pause the game. Select your spell and select a target. In the case of fighters you can select new positions for them and ranged weapon users can select targets as well. Once you've done all you can while paused simply hit the space bar again and everything you've just setup will unfold before your eyes. Now if you'd like to cast another spell or have your fighters choose new targets and you're not too quick with the mouse or have a laptop and are using the touchpad(like myself) you can and will be hitting that space bar a few times during each battle. It'll come to be second nature after a while.
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Post by stramoski »

AutoPause and Tactics

The aforementioned AutoPause saved my butt more times than I can count. In the Options tab, there are some autopause "scenarios" that I use frequently... My configuration is to autopause:

Whenever an enemy is sighted (Battles have begun for me befre I even knew it when this wasn't on.

Whenever a trap is spotted (So my NPC's don't run over it before it is disarmed)

Whenever a Target is destroyed (To make sure my NPCs don't decide to do something stupid after they've finished someone off... Aerie running into the room alone with Torgal, the troll leader, is my favorite example)

Whenever an NPC is killed (To wake me up when things are getting very out of hand)

All the other autopause options were a little too detail-oriented for me.

As far as the big bad guys are concerned, that's a little spoilerish... There's usually a trick for each. E.g. (highlight the following) Torgal was easy when he was alone, so I drew his fellows out of the room one at a time, and shut the door between them. Even a giant troll goes down quickly when six swords are cleaving at him, and you can heal this way after each.
The planar sphere mage is defeated with my favorite low-level anti-mage tactic... Summon skeletons or Fire Elementals. They are immune to most mage attacks (except for his summons, take those out with arrows...). If all else fails, just open the door, let him start casting, then leave. His spells will fizzle away when they can't find a target.
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Post by araknid70 »

Try to be more specific with the spells that you tried to cast. Some spells can only be cast on the caster (I.e. stoneskin), and therefore clicking on a stoneskin spell would immediately revert the control panel at the bottom to the main panel with the different buttons for spells, items and skills, while not displaying a targetting icon. Also, most special abilities target the caster only, therefore you would likely encounter this issue more with special abilities. The few exceptions that I can think of are druid summons and the inquisitor's dispel magic.

That paragraph is for the second part of your query, about the spell disappearing from the pointer before you can target, from what I can understand about your post. For the part about the icons, I have no good idea about what's happening. My closest guess would be that you have some sort of spellcaster script going on that makes the party member cast all by him/herself. However, I'm not sure, as I never use spellcaster scripts for my mages or clerics.
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Post by Sytze »

[QUOTE=jimmy_d]thanks glenfar, you wouldn't happen to know why i'm having difficulty moving fast enough to pick up the mage or priest spells before the icon bar reverts back would you? i hope i'm describing it clear enough so you can understand the problems i'm having during the battles.[/QUOTE]

Do you have a wireless mouse and/or keyboard??
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Post by jimmy_d »

many thanks...

thank you all, i had hoped for friendly help and was very NOT disappointed. thanks again everybody there are several good insights i'll make good use of.
and yes sir Sytze, i do indeed have wireless kb&m. Pleeeze don't tell me i have to scrap them.
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Post by Sytze »

Check this thread. If you have the same problems as I mentioned in that thread, then the cause is your wireless mouse and keyboard.

You could also check out this thread in the Bioware forums. It also offers a solution to the wireless keyboard and/or -mouse problem.

Hope this helps.
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Post by jimmy_d »

Mr.Sytze. problem solved, thank you for the link sir. Now if i learn to fight, l might get somewhere.
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Post by Sytze »

Don't worry; you will get better as the game progresses. And if you're stuck, then there are enough strategies you can find here. ;)

Happy gaming.
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