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Game of The Year Edition

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
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Game of The Year Edition

Post by Skuld »

Well today I picked up an x-box for a few reasons, mainly because I'm not getting a new computer any time soon and a lot of good PC games are made for PS2 or x-box now. So I picked up two games KOTOR and morrowind: game of the year edition. As it turns out it doesn't play on certain consoles and mine is one of them. the guy at EBgames where I bought it said it's a known issue. I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem. I'd also like to know how these things happen. How cana game work on one console and not the other if they're supposed to be identical?
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Post by Gromph »

It is more prone to happen on an older machine, the reader gets dirty or something, it has been gettign worse one my friends xbox, the older it gets the worse and on my other friends xbox morrowind works but there is no ingame map, it is just one of those stupid things in life that just need to be put up with
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Sean The Owner
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Post by Sean The Owner »

my game keeps skipping even though we got the cd professionally fixed i think its one of those things with the older machines :(
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Post by Anonononomous »

That's, uh, rather screwed up. Gotta love computers. :)
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Post by fable »

Caching problem. Purchase more memory.
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Post by Sean The Owner »

i have over 50,000 blocks of space...i dont think i need anymore...but i could delete some morrowind files(my brothers) :p
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Post by Rookierookie »

Actually, the truth is that a lot of console games are being made on the PC with higher resolution, better graphics, and bonuses.

Halo is a good example.