This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
I have heard many great things about great house vaults. I was just wondering if your level 6 with 50 or 60 security, would you be able to break into a house vault without being jacked up by guards/ordinators
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Most likely. Though the loot is apparently generated depending on what level you are. So if you wait, you'll get better stuff. Of course, the stuff in the vaults is probably much more useful when you are low level. So it's a tradeoff.
When you crack the door they only want you to hand over like 10 gold, what u really gotta be careful of is the trap, also once u get in, if u open the door a certain way the ordinators cant get in and u can make an escape via a scroll then go to the theives guild(before u pay up drop all gold on the floor, it will say u paid but u didnt ) then u are free to walk away with the stolen items
If you're serious about cracking the House Vaults (and you should be - they ROCK - HUGE collection of goodies ripe for the plucking), I'd reccomend a good Chameleon, Knock, and Telekenisis spell (Telekinesis most of all). Makes life SO much easier, especially if your character is at a low level.
I sincerely wish we could re-consider this plan from a perspective that involved pants.
How much would a custom telekenisis spell cost. I have 25 feet tele for 5 seconds, it rocks. And is 70 percent chameleon enough, i just spent a lot of my cash on training and need a better chameleon spell
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im guessing its ALOT cause almost all custom spells are, and 70% chameleon should be good....if you got caius cosades clothes they add more but theyre casting spell
Spoiler: Continue with the main quest. At one point Caius leaves, nominates you Blades Operative and gives you his clothes. Why he wants you to have his clothes I can't understand...