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Help! Stuck in the tutorial...

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Help! Stuck in the tutorial...

Post by Beafsteak »

I just bought the Gold version of Neverwinter (includes SoU).
I am stuck right at the finish of the tutorial, in the stables where the escaped creatures were kept. I have talked to the NPC's there and they have left. My problem is, that i can't exit through the double doors leading out into the city... My character just stops right in front of it and nothing happens.
Does anybody know how to overcome this problem?


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Post by Paranitis »

Well, sometimes when you are using the keyboard for movement you end up walking straight through the doorway triggers for some odd reason.

Usually you just have to walk backwards a step and it works..or you click on the exit with the mouse and it works.
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Post by Beafsteak »

I think i've tried to click on that door at least 50 times... :mad:
Can one cheat to get through - ie. like get to another location?

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Post by Stilgar »

Try moving back from the door.
And then hold your mouse on it.

Do you get bright area indicating you can go trough it?

This is the end of the tutorial, so you could also save your character and import it in chapter1.
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Post by Brynn »

Check your journal to see if all your tasks are finished here - but if you have talked to Desther and Fenthick, it should work.
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Post by Beafsteak »

Thanks for the suggestions - will try them out when i get home form work... :o
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Post by Beafsteak »

Well, I found out that the source of my problems was the update i had run. If I update to version 1.62 I can't finish the tutorial.
I tried reinstalling the game without updating - no problems!

Now I've played all the way through chap. 1 and installed both expansions, and now the same problem arises when talking to Aribeth after having collected the 4 ingredients for the cure - I am not transported to the ritual chamber. Instead the dialog ends and I am still in the temple of tyr. If I initiate the dialog with Aribeth again, I get the same options, but I just can't jump to the finale...

I guess I would be able to finish the game if I don't install any of the expansions, but this prevents me from using the character types like RDD and so on - kinda dull...

Any suggestions?

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Post by Brynn »

I advise you to install the original game with the expansions and if problems occur try the latest patches.

I have both EXP Packs installed and everything works fine (I can't recall which patch I used, unfortunately, but will look it up for you)
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Post by Admo »

[QUOTE=Brynn]I advise you to install the original game with the expansions and if problems occur try the latest patches.

I have both EXP Packs installed and everything works fine (I can't recall which patch I used, unfortunately, but will look it up for you)[/QUOTE]

With both expansions you are only one/two versions behind. HotU is at 1.59 I believe (something like 1.30 for SoU). I immediately updated to 1.62 after buying the original (not many moons ago!), and again after installing the expansions, and I have had no problems. Sounds more like corrupt files than anything else - hence it working fine once you reinstalled. Can't imagine the patch would do that to your game.

Whats your computer like? New, fast? Or does it get a bit moody?! :p
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Post by Beafsteak »

My system is a IBM T41 notebook...

Centrino 1.7
512 MB RAM
Radeon 9000 32 MB Graphics
Win 2k Pro (5.0, build 2195)

It is very stable, an I dont have any hardware issues with the game.

I am reinstalling the game (3rd time) while writing this - found out that somehow several files were missing in my install library (only file in my nwm-folder was chapter1.nwm) - I have the game installed on another system as well (But only NWN+SOU) and that works OK.
This time I'm doing a step by step installation (installing game - update - SOU - update - HOTU - update) each time checking to see if I can advance through chapters...
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Post by Admo »

Hmm. Only thing I did think was if you have a fairly old PC hard-drives can go a bit funny, I've had a few, and the first signs are files just being randomly corrupted. But it sounds quick and stable, and if you have no other problems I can't see it being that.

Other than plugging away, not a lot else I can think of :confused:
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