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Need help

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Need help

Post by Master Chief »

Ok, me and my friend have run into a problem we don't know how to fix-after getting the shield, cup and corpus weepings for sul-matuul in order to start the third trial, we noticed that all our armor stats, unamored included (which sucks for me because im a mage) go down, we are certain it is a spell from one of those dagoth somethings, the guys in robes that carry 6th house amulets and where a robe and look slightly human...and we have no idea how to fix it, im a relative noob but my friend is nowhere near a noob, so if someone could help, you would be my hero. Thanks in advance

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Post by Anonononomous »

Go to an Imperial Cult altar and restore attributes.

I think that that works for both skills and attributes. That's never happened to me, though.
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Post by Master Chief »

Alright...there is one in Sadrith Mora below the mages guild i'll try there...i tried the alter in ald'ruhn...problem is i spent 1000 dollars (25 each time) trying to get it to work because my character absorbs it every time. o yah is there a way i can prevent my guy from absorbing the spell? I can never get a blessing at a temple because of it...
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Post by Anonononomous »

Hehe. Yeah, my Redguard has that problem too. Just I don't know that I had to do it 40 times, usually just 2 to 3 will get me what I need.
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Post by Master Chief » thing though. It never worked for me. I quit after 40 times :( I sure hope this Imperial altar thing works im getting mad...
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Post by Master Chief »

OMG i am pretty sure this is not from a spell because my gov. attributes arent down like my friend it may be from a sword called fury i have it puts down all your armors by 20 it is a constant effect item...and i tried the imperial altar over 150 times i absorb it every time what do i do? Will it go back up?
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Post by Anonononomous »

Hehe, Fury. Yeah. That's a bad weapon. Best to sell it first thing.
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Post by Master Chief »

Ok, if it is that Fury thing, will it go down any more, stay where it is, or go back up?
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