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Golden Saints

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
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Golden Saints

Post by techoluvr »

Hey, i just found the boots of blinding speed and i want to capture a golden saint so i can make a CE resist magic. 4 questions
1)Where is a good place to find an empty grand soul gem

2)Where is the most common place to find golden saints.

3)If you dont know where to fight'em, then tell me how much the golden saint spell in tel sumthin costs

4)How would the CE resist magicka enchantment cost
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Post by Ideal Maxima »

mages guild caldera, the dark elf upstairs has golden saint summoning spells

and in tribunal in craftmens hall that gy in the blue robe upstairs has a infinite stock
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Post by Itch »

Someone at the top of Tel Branora Sells the spell... I think you can only get 13 or 7 points of magic resistance on an exquistie piece of clothing (60 ench points).... but don't quote me on that... the grasslands is usually a good place to go hunting for Golden saints... but I find it is a lot easier to go kill some ascended sleepers in ghostgate for constant effect items... and do yourself a favour and go pick up auriel's star instead of wasing your cash or trying to hunt down grand soul gems.
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Post by techoluvr »

I was going to use Processus Vitallius's Ring which has 120 points of enchantment. And to get to ghostgate i should siltstride to balmora then walk to the fort, then walk to ghostgate. And which city is closest to the grazeland area. If theres no cities near, what road should i take to get there
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Post by Rookierookie »

You should just pick up the cuirass of saviour's hide in Tel Fyr.
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Also in Tel Fyr you can find a grand soul gem, or maybe two. They are in one of the rooms on a shelf in the first cell you go in when you enter. I only have Grand Gems for decoration now I have Azura's star. I know they look like twenty year old coins in the original game, but theres this mod... Fable will tell you more I'm sure.

As for Golden Saints, they hang around Daedric ruins up in Sheogorad quite a bit. Those ruins next to the sanctus shrine never fail to spawn a golden saint for me. (I've also not visited them before level 15, but you never know). Even with 105 conjuration (sanguine ring), I had difficulty in summoning a golden saint (60% chance). It also costs around 180 in Magicka if I remember correctly, so it might be an idea to buy the spell and then put it as an enchantment into a ring, so that you can summon it whenever you like, or if you are low on money, buy a scroll from the guy in the Caldera Mages Guild.

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Post by Eternal Winter »

Garnd soul gems

There is an island on the east of vivec.More specifically east of vivec temple canton."the ascandian isle region" you can easily see it in your world map,the big one.There is a cavern door to "Ansi cave".Find it and go inside there are some enemies inside and they attack you as soon as you enter.But the best thing is that you can take them down one by one ,easier with a jink sword.
in that cave you will find lots of soul gems.I found 6 grand soul gems and some great gems.More over lots of scrolls and magic items.I dont know if it is a part of a quest or not but i found there in coincidence.
And also you must check every sack and boxes even the ones in the street.
I've just started the game my character is level 11 and I only saw 5 or six places.Now I have 12 empty and 3 full grand soul gems.I'm sure there are more in the game.All you need to do is be patient and check everywhere :)
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Post by techoluvr »

Ya, i figured if i had enough money to buy summon golden sainnt spell, then i would just have to find soul gems. And what is the cauirris of savoirs hide. what does it do
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Post by Opalescence »

The Cuirass of Savior's Hide is a light chest armor with a CE 60% magic resistance. Then again, it IS behind a lvl 100 lock and a big nasty trap to top that off. Still, there is little doubt it is by far one of the best light armors in the game, and if you use light armor you'll almost definately want that. In order to get this extrordinary piece of protection, go to Tel Fyr, levitate to Divyth Fyr's rooms, and there will be a cabinet with a lvl 100 lock on it. If you can manage to open that (and survive the resulting trap) you'll find yourself the proud owner of a brand new Cuirass of Savior's Hide. Don't worry about Mr. Fyr, he doesn't care if you steal from him. Hell, he actually lets you loot his stuff right under his nose!
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Post by Sean The Owner »

Bam-Amschendz go to daedric ruin attatched to it...about 5 golden saints i think and daedric cuirass so ive heard
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Post by techoluvr »

i happen to be a theiving magician with light armor skill, do you know where to get a scroll or spell of open 100-100 anywhere. And i can easily disarm the trap. Dont know how i do it, but i always disarm traps on the 2nd or 3rd time i probe it
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Post by Sean The Owner »

the only thing i know about level 100 lock opening is that its called locksplitter...or buy ondusi's open door and make a level 100 lock breaker at a spellmaker
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Post by Ideal Maxima »

Ekashi's Lock Splitter...
not sure where to find it though...
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Post by lifeishell91 »

1.) Tribunal, the enchanter in the Craftmans Hall upstairs has infinite amount of Grand Souls Gems.

2.) Daedric Shrines, or go to Ibar-dad because there will always be a Golden Saint there, plus a few nice goodies...

3.) You can get the Summon Golden Saint Spell from the Dumner Marchent up stairs in Therenas Chamber in Tel Branora, it takes 169 Magicka to cast the spell and the spell cost about 1500 gold.

4.) You not be able to get a strong enchantment with Resist Magicka, rather get the Cuirass of Saviors Hide (SW of Sadrith Mora) and Maras Shirt (Go to Berendas and go as deep as possible, then kill the 2 Winged Twiglights and levitate up and go to the woman on the ledge, give her a Scroll of Divine Intervention and she will give you her enchanted skirt and shirt).