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info about the Hircine Ring

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Ideal Maxima
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info about the Hircine Ring

Post by Ideal Maxima »

I used the hircine ring alot b4 but now when i use it i DONT turn bak into a human NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES I REST! when i didnt turn bak i loaded bak my save game so now i jus avoid usein it... but am i not supposed to turn bak or is this a glitch :mad: plz tell me!
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Post by Lonelypilgrim »

Where is that ring and what does it do?
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Post by Mccool »

Well firstly you could always save before using it, and you do know the maximum you should rest is 12 hours.

Hircines ring turns you into a werewolf for half a day and you get if you complete the bloodmoon expansion for pc or GoTY for the Xbox.
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I tend to appear briefly and disappear very quickly after that, try not to let it bother you.
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Ideal Maxima
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Post by Ideal Maxima »

actually it's a quarter day, 6 hours... it WAS a glitch... but it has stopped now :D
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