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Stronghold + Harpers + Romance questions

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Stronghold + Harpers + Romance questions

Post by fredriktomte »

Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help me sort some things out.

Lately I have had some quests act up a little bit. First of all, I'm romancing Jaheira, and I've been to the harpers hold for the second time (third if you coun't trying to find Montarion). I've beaten the mercenaries that attacks me when I'm trying to leave. But I haven't seen Dermin around anywhere after that, and it has been several days of game time as well as a lot of real ingaming time since I left the Harpers hold. Of course, I haven't seen Terminsel for the second time either. I've tried sleeping a lot, being both in the great outdoors as well as the city. My romancing with Jaheira seems to be progressing anyways, although I have a dreading feeling of having had one particular conversation for the second time. How long is it supposed to take? Do I need to be somewhere special to trigger the event? :confused:

Moreover, I have also done the mage stronghold quest, but there has been no graduation ceremony, eventhough all of the students survived. I've read that that is supposed to take place 24 hours after you tell the apprentices to refrain from any more itemcrafting. It has been several days now, and no sign of Teos. Am I supposed to meet him somewhere special? :confused:

Finaly, I have just been too Bodhis Lair and defeated her (ironically enough it was Jaheira who dealt the last blow :o ) and started to wonder why Jaheira never turned into a vampire like I remembered that she should (I've found the books which explain how to treat vampirism). To my dismay, I find out that your loveinterest is supposed to be grabed by Bodhi as soon as you entered the graveyard. That never happened to me, and seeing how Bodhi is finally dead and all, is not likely to happen in the future either. Will this screw up my romance? Lastly I had lovetalk with Jaheira (I think it was lovetalk at least), it was actually in Bodhis lair.

Can these problems be related? Is there a risk that not meeting Dermin and/or not having Jaheira bitten by Bodhi will screw up some crucial part of the romance? :(

Sorry if I'm longwinded. Would be very gratefull for answers. :)
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Post by stramoski »

It sounds like you're buggy, or your romance is dead...
CLUAConsole:GetGlobal("LOVETALK","locals") while mousing her...

The first should be up above fifty (I think) and the second should be 1, 2, or 3. If it's on 3, it is dead. If it's on 2, it's active and buggy, and if it's on 1, it hasn't gotten anywhere yet.

You might also try to remember if she's ever been kicked out, or petrified, or imprisoned. All those will kill the romance.

I hope I'm right about all this, and I hope it helps...
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Post by lompo »

Regarding the encounter with Bodhi, in wich chapter are you, because what you remember will happen in chap. 6, but if you sided with the shadow thiefs you will have to fight her and defeat her also in chap. 3, and in thet occasion nothing is going to happen to your love interest.
In the other hand, if you are in chap. 6 maybe Bodhi doesn't abduct Jaheira because your romance is effectively screwed.
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Post by fredriktomte »

Thanks guys!

Problem solved. Teos appeared after I had rested for 24 hours WITHIN the planar sphere. Dermin appeared shortly after (I first traveled to De'arnise keep so to be outdoors). The romance seems to be progressing as it should, so I guess Jaheira not being bitten by Bodhi won't matter (I'm in chapter 6).

Anyways, thanks for your help! :D
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