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Luring wife or NPCs to other regions [spoiler?]

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Luring wife or NPCs to other regions [spoiler?]

Post by Vendryl »

I'm tryin' to lead my Bowerstone South wife to the woods to get rid of her, since I can't kill her in town and don't want to divorce her (playing good) but she won't follow beyond the gate.
Some NPCs will cross the gate to other regions others won't, what am I doing wrong.
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Post by Chickadoodle »

Same Problem

:p I'm having the same problem - I want to get rid of my wife and husband :p , but I don't want to be mean to them, I just want to take them in the woods and kill them. Haven't figured it out.
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Post by jdaiken »

just hit him/her, you get the evil points for the kill anyway, and then pay the the exact dowry to avo. if you do i one coin at a time you get much, MUCH, more good points
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These are just... um... oversized chicken legs... :cool: Yah! Chicken legs, and those assain shirts were just lying there when I got here. Blood on my Sword? I killed them with a bow! I,I, I mean the chickens! Not the assasins! ;)
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Post by Wild_Bill »

The Missing Wife

My first wife lives in Oakvale.
My second wife lives in Barrowstone South. However when I went back to Barrowstone I couldn't find her anywhere. So I took the house we lived in and put it back up for rent. The game still marked me as having 2 wives and no divorces or widows. So I have no idea what happened to her.

By try selling the house or renting out the house your spouse lives in. That might just get rid of her without all the uglyness of divorce or murder.
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Post by Wolfie »

Some misconceptions are starting here that I can clear up...
1. A murder only aquires 14 evil points (from memory, but roughly this) while a divorce is 400 evil points so kill the wife instead of divorcing her/him.

2. You can't murder your wife in Bowerstone yourself. You CAN hire a merc who will follow you to Bowserstone. Then hit someone in front of a guard. Refuse to pay the fine and then take your merc to your wife and have the merc kill the wife. YOU can't kill anyone in Bowerstone but your merc can.

3. As long as you have a LIVING wife in a town, you can't sell/rent the marital home in that town.

For Bowerstone wives, I have been unable to get the wife to leave town using follow and exiting the gate, using the culis gate or using teleport. It may be posible but I have been unsuccessfull at it.
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Post by Sain »

I believe murder only gives you 10 evil points,(I accidently killed a trader yesterday with my bow :( )and u can just beat your wife to death or cast spells on her (or him). :D
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Post by Falcon Samilka »

Your wife will not leave town once you have married her. Ever. So you can't kill someone you married in Bowerstone.

Another point, about the disappearing wives; it happens from time to time. They just stop existing. If you can rent out your house again, then your wife has vanished. I suppose it's a bug of some sort.
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Post by DesR85 »

Falcon Samilka wrote: Another point, about the disappearing wives; it happens from time to time. They just stop existing. If you can rent out your house again, then your wife has vanished. I suppose it's a bug of some sort.
This bug works? :confused: Does your wife have to be exactly in the house or not for this bug to take effect?
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Post by Darzog »

DesR85 wrote:This bug works? :confused: Does your wife have to be exactly in the house or not for this bug to take effect?
He said that the bug is your wife disappearing for some unknown reason, not because you rented the house. So there doesn't seem to be anything you can do specifically to cause he to vanish, but if she does then you can rent out the house if you want.
Sain wrote:I believe murder only gives you 10 evil points,(I accidently killed a trader yesterday with my bow :( )and u can just beat your wife to death or cast spells on her (or him). :D
You can't cast spells in Bowerstone (or use weapons) so they won't actually die from you attacking them.
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