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Anamen Quest for Radiant Heart KnightHood

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Anamen Quest for Radiant Heart KnightHood

Post by Patrick »

Quick question and would appresheate a quick responce.
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I have just started clearing out Firkaags (the dragon) dungeon and was approched by some knight saying Anamen must return to Temple of the Radiant Heart for trial to determin if he can be a knight. It says I have two days to return.
So I did, without finishing the quest for Gwarrens child from Firkaag. They denided him KnightHood and he got mad.
What I want to know is can I take longer than two days to return??
I think with the saves I have it will be about three or four days?????
Any imput would be great, thnaks

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Post by lompo »

I don't know what will happen if you take more that 2 days, but it want change much, the result of the test of Anomen is determined by a precedent quest ("the murderer of her sister", which you evidently solved in the wrong way), and leaving the Fierkaags quest unfinished it's ok, you can return ther eanytime you like and finish it.
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Post by Klorox »

I wouldn't say Patrick solved Annoyman's quest the "wrong" way, just not the "Lawful" or "Good" way.
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Post by Patrick »

So will I be able to come back in like four days or not.

Anamens sister is not an issue I believe. I did kick her betrayer s but but I should still be fine there. The knight inducting me into the radiant heart said something about the Rangers daughter not be saved and thats it.
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Post by Georgi »

Hmmm. It is possible that the ORH are still annoyed at your for killing their knights (: D), but as lompo said, he won't pass his test anyway if you didn't do the right thing in his earlier quest.

You could always fast-track through the Windspear dungeon. If you ignore the King Strohm quest and such, it doesn't take that long. You can even leave without killing Firkraag (as long as you rescue Garren's son, the quest is done), and then come back later to kill him and finish the dungeon.

I think if you are taking too long, Anomen reminds you or you get another messenger who tells you to go to the ORH for your test... Could be that he will leave if you take too long about it. I can't remember. :o
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Post by Thrain »

[QUOTE=Patrick]Anamens sister is not an issue I believe. I did kick her betrayer s but but I should still be fine there.[/QUOTE]

dude, no, just no. if you solved the quest in the way that doesn't adhere to the lawful good alignment Annoyman hopes to be, you ain't gonna get accepted into the goody-two-shoes order.
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Post by Patrick »

Man that sucks, I did the Unlawfull path.
I think I did last time through too.?. I think my main charactor was accepted into the order.
Major Spoiler here and a request.

What would of happoned if I did not kill his sisters betrayers and he was accepted into the ORH?

Thanks guys and ladies of course?...
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Post by krunchyfrogg »


If you do the unlawful path, Anomen becomes Chaotic Neutral, and eventually fightswith Keldorn if he's in your party. I think he might attack Aerie too.

If you do the Lawful Path, Anomen becomes Lawful Good, gets a +4 bonus to his Wisdom, gets some bonus experience, and becomes "Sir Anomen"
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Post by ensaro dai »

+ Anomen becomes LESS c.o.c.k.y if he chooses the lawfl path -> thats a very poistive point imo ;)
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Post by Thrain »

anomen's quest has nothing to do with your main character and his/her relationship with the order.

to do anomen's quest and have anomen accepted into the order, you must make sure he does the lawful thing i.e. not take the law into his own hands, find evidence against saerk etc.

although i did find the ending to that quest unsatisfactory. i mean, Ano's father is pretty detestable, but so is Saerk. And i know not everything has a happy ending, but i wish there could have been a way to take him down.
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Post by Patrick »


So I you can find evidence that they killed his sis??? What hapones then???
Why does he fight with Keldorn and Aerie??? Is he lawfull neutral right away??

P.S. I have not been on the computer for a while so try to comprehend my lack of gaming and forum activity.
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Post by dj_venom »

Let revenge wait

Does anyone know what happens if you kill Sarek and his son after Anomen is inducted into the order?
In memorian: Fiona; Ravager; Lestat; Phreddie; and all of those from the 1500 incident. Lest we forget.
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Post by Thrain »

not too sure. there must be a failsafe somewhere to stop you doing it.

anomen starts lawful neutral. if he fails his test he becomes chaotic neutral and fights with keldorn and aerie.

you find evidence of certain things i believe, but nothing substantial.
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Post by Georgi »


[QUOTE=dj_venom]Does anyone know what happens if you kill Sarek and his son after Anomen is inducted into the order?[/QUOTE]

Firstly, unless you are romancing Anomen, there isn't any more to the quest after his test.

If you are romancing him, and if you didn't kill Saerk earlier, a messenger comes to tell you that it turns out he was guilty and Anomen runs off to kill him, and you have to go to Saerk's estate and stop him.

If you are romancing him and you did kill Saerk earlier, the messenger tells you it turns out he was innocent. I forget what exactly happens in that case, I don't usually do it that way. ;) It has something to do with confronting his father, IIRC.

Unless you are at the point where Anomen has run off to Saerk's estate, Saerk and his son won't be in the building, so you can't go and kill them later. I take great pleasure in looting the place... at least Saerk loses out a little bit. :D
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Post by dj_venom »

So if you steal a heap of stuff from sarek after the quest, you don't get in trouble later on?
In memorian: Fiona; Ravager; Lestat; Phreddie; and all of those from the 1500 incident. Lest we forget.
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Post by Georgi »

Nope, you can rob his house at any time, regardless of whether or not you have Anomen in your party.
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Post by dj_venom »

Is there anything worth stealing at his house?
In memorian: Fiona; Ravager; Lestat; Phreddie; and all of those from the 1500 incident. Lest we forget.
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Post by fable »

Not really.
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