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Banden Indarys, Uncle Crassius Quest: Conflict with the main storyline?

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dragon wench
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Banden Indarys, Uncle Crassius Quest: Conflict with the main storyline?

Post by dragon wench »

I just did a search trying to find out if offing the Redorans at Bal Isra, once you have taken out Banden Indarys for Crassius would incur any longterm problems.
While doing so I read that Indarys is actually required for the main quest.... :confused: I find it hard to believe the developers would have us kill a key character in order to advance in a Great House......

If somebody could clarify this I'd appreciate it :)
Note: I only killed Indarys *after* receiving the quest from Crassius.
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Post by Anonononomous »

The Redoran Councilors in Ald Ruhn are the only ones you need to become Hortator. It's the easiest group to get Hortator from when you're not in their House. Unlike the Telvanni, scattered all over the ashlands.
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Locke Da'averan
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Post by Locke Da'averan »

without checking from walkthrough, and just my memory, i believe if somebody's dead it settles for a yes vote, in to some extend, so you can't just off everybody, i think.. besides, the "you have killed a character vital to the main story" box should appear if one kills main story relative person..
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