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This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Neverwinter Nights, its Shadows of Undrentide and Hordes of the Underdark expansion packs, and any user-created or premium modules.
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Post by nirvecho »

In the 2nd act, there are lots of NPC's which are hostile. Kendrack, guards, dogs, deer. In the Temple of Tyr, the man who controls the portal is hostile. Why is this, what did I do to become hostile with all these people.

In charwood village, everyone is hostile (for the most part) even the mayor! I can't talk to him. AGASDFASGAS what do i do?
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Post by Xandax »

There have been several threads around this forum where people mention NPCs going hostile for no apparent reason.
I've yet to see any indication of what could be the problem, unless of course you have used area effect spells that have effected/killed of the commoners.

My advice is to try and reload the game to a point where the NPCs weren't hostile, or even restart the module/chapter and seeing if it happens again. Also make sure you are patched to the latest patch (1.62 currently)
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Post by Admo »

The only reason I have seen this happening is because you have killed a certain member of the "faction" that those NPC's belong to, therefore turning them all hostile. So if you're an evil character, don't be too evil! I think even Aribeth has been known to become hostile.
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Zel Greywords
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Post by Zel Greywords »

Question: on what difficulty level do you play? I think on the higher ones your area-of-effect spells CAN damage friendly characters, so you probably fired one fireball too much at some point...

There was a way to script-reset the faction reactions for a module, iirc... d*mn, can't find it right now...

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Post by Xandax »

I have read somewhere that getting killed and respawning could reset faction, but I don't know. I've never had this problem.
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