Arh, anyway, I just ordered BG2 ( because I lost my old cd 2-3 + tob) so now its comming in on friday or monday (hopefully friday, realisticly monday) but anyway.
My protagonist should be either an Archer/Conjurer(or Sorcerrer), a Kensai/Conjurer (yes I realise these 2 classes cannot work, however I will SK in the Kensai/Archer abilities when I dual to a conjurer) Also, I'm guessing level 13 will be appropriate (cap will be removed and I will have ToB) for my DC. Also my 3rd possibility will be a Blade (however I think the first 2 options are more likely) I will be editing my character Laure Eldwhen who I just finished BG-TOSC with (she's a Fighter dualed to Conjurer, so I feel a archer/kensai conjurer would be best).
Now for my party, I need help, I'm sure on Haer'Dalis. I've never used him, but I know love blades.
I'm gonna mod up too. I'm gonna install all the character mods, and I'm willing to use them if there recommended. I don't want solufien or anyone else who is overpowered like him.
So guys help me, pick out the good, NON overpowered mods, the extended quest ones, the better (but fair) item mods.
I am quite interested in using a character like Nalia, Mazzy, Jahera, Valygar, Anomen and viconia. As I have never used them, and I dislike them, but they will grow on me!
However, I would like to modify characters, for example misnc clearly fits a beserker kit, so I would (if I was willing to use him) make him a beserker. So any tips on a nice party.
On average I use atleast 2-3 mages and never really more than 1 cleric.
Also, when giving mod tips, could you order them, I want things like Ascension,tactics, improved Illycht (but for everyone) I also want you guys to help me order them.
Oh, one more thing, I really don't want to play with : Soluofien, Aerie, Edwin, Imoen, Minsc, Jan, Yoshimo, also I don't really want to play with Korgan. These characters I feel are either too familiar to me, or I despise them.
I realise this is a tall order, but I would love your guys help, however if possible try not to just discuss and argue with each other over how good you feel certain characters are, just please give me tips and links and idea's on parties.
Thanks alot
Oh, and one more thing, please give me tips on what proficiencies to go for. I would like to stop using the good old Corysmor etc, maybe the odd character using a spear or a different set of swords.