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People and their pointless questions

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
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People and their pointless questions

Post by Gromph »

Do you have pointless questions? If you do then send them to me, I know all when it comes to doing stupid stuff in Morrowind, so instead of posting your worthless questions in the forum and wasting the obviously valuable time of our beloved Fable, send them to me, i got no life I'll answer all of your inane questions, I await the deluge
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Post by Sean The Owner »

ok do you know why us canadians say eh all the time? :D
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Post by JesterKing »

sounding suspicously like the SYM forum... and you cant have a stupid question in this game. unlesss its like 'whats a guar, and how can i buy one?' LOL!!! no offense techoluvr... i just remember getting a good laugh at the time. or perhaps it was the one asking where they could find balmora...
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Post by fable »

I'd rather have all questions out here in the forum, Gromph, thanks just the same. The worst problem we have isn't pointless questions at all, but people changing thread topics in midstream. The thread no longer resembles its subject, and it becomes difficult for members to accurately figure what a thread is all about just from the title. Same thing goes for searches conducted on subject, alone (which is the easiest way to find something).

Thread closed. ;)
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