Now there's this girl I really like, actually, let me rephrase that
Now there's this girl I really LOVE.
I just met her in June and I instantly fell in love
Now I just messed up on my hair,I got it cut, and it makes me look and feel like an idiot.
Now she and I are already friends, so I had a talk with her but I accidently find out that she like another guy,and she wants to ask him out pretty soon,Should I ask her out now, or shood I save myself the trouble of getting it rejected ( if I am rejected ) and keep it to myself
Now let me be a little more clear about this, she is VERY nice to me, and I'm afraid that if I ask her out she will feel weird and end the relation ship I've cobbled up, but I'm MADDDDLY IN LOVE with her at the same time.
EDIT: also, I forgot to leave out the fact that I'm only 12, but i've never felt this way about a girl
so once again, WHAT DO I DO!