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Adalon the Silver Dragon and her demise...

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Adalon the Silver Dragon and her demise...

Post by JJComo »

Dear Exalted Ones,

Possible spoilers....

I'm trying to construct that evil armor from the human skin you get from the Bridge District murders. I don't remember all the details on what I've done so far. I have a note with a riddle about someones name. Outside the Umar Hills tavern there is a man by the name of Feal. I must buy a certain book and speak the name on the note to him or something similar. He then told me I need Silver Dragon blood among a few much easier aquirable items to construct this armor. What would be the best time to slaughter Adalon? Can you open the way to the surface with her dead before she does this? Have any suggestions on the battle?

Fifteen birds in five firtrees,
Their feathers were fanned in a fiery breeze!
But, funny little birds, they had no wings!
O what shall we do with the funny little things?
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Post by nephtu »


I've always fought her after doing the fon & games in Ust Natha. The way to the surface seal ends with her death, IIRC.
I have given up all lesser evils as inadequate to my purpose.
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