Hi guys!!!I've not yet finish the game but I'm already thinking of making a party to go all the way down HoF. I would like to make a party of 4 characters, 3 of them i've no problem but with my main character I just don't know how I should make him. I want a fighter/sorcerer. My questions about this are:
1.whitch race to choose?
2.how to allocate my abilities?
3.quarterstaff or scimitar?(I just want one of the two, but i accept new ideas)
Ohh one thing i just hate to have any abilitie below 10, I just can't do that I read from Mianna that she made a fighter/sorceress and I would like to know how she made her character, feats, skills, abilities and other stuff. And did the character went okay? Some other time I will put my character's biography but just after I have soem ideas! Thank you for all your help
I'd choose a human for a fighter. Barbarian is not intelligent enough to be a spellcasert (of course it depends on you how you allocate your ability scores, but still...)
Unfortunately I don't know exactly how many points can be divided altogether. In general, you'll need high wisdom scores for spellcasting (why not wizard, by the way?), and a bit higher then average strength and constitution for fighting.
Do you stick to the scimitar? (I wouldn't recommend staff). What about swords?
For me it is hard to tell waht type character is good since i dont know your party.. there is strereo types.. but i dont like to give advices by those..
Staff sound cool... if you have lot slashing damage weapons..
Scimitar if you have lot bludgeoin(miss spelled) weapons..
How can you say no to this face?
But seriusly.. Party without Bard is not party...
I can understand that SYM forum.. mentally 6 year old people is just running around with scissors on their hand.
Well fighter/wizard may also be a good idea!!!but my main question is how to allocate my abilities and use whitch race?my other party would consist in:
Animal(Golden dwarf) Fighter 4/ Barbarian X
A cleric that i have not decide yet!!!
And probably a ranger/rogue but i don't know.
Be a fighter/mage then. I'd personally reccomend fighter/rogue, I love this combination, b/c the abilities perfectly implement each other! High dexterity is important for the rogue to use her abilities reliably, but is useful for the magetoo, in that she will need it to cast spells without interruption in combat. None of them will mind low strength scores (10-12), constitution is good for them both, so it's really a powerful combo. Not to mention that a spellcaster proficient with the bow can be really powerful
Fighter/wizard is a bit harder, b/c you can't cast spells while wearing armour, and obviously can't survive a battle with only a robe on. So that's a bit harder to play, I say. Let alone ability scores... A spellcaster will need different strength then a warrior: the first needs inelligence and dexterity, the latter needs strenght and constitution, mainly.
As for race, I'd stick to humans, but if you choose the rouge, I guess that's halflings' or gnomes' favored class.
I think a good combo would be rogue/wizard because both of them rely on intelligence but i would like to have tenser transformation with some of the fighters abilities. i think a fighter 10/ sorcerer 20 or fighter 10/ wizard 20 would be a good character with good magic/melee attacks. It could be a:
str 12
dex 10
con 14
wil 10
int 10 or 18
cha 18 or 10
[QUOTE=Ennian Kether]I think a good combo would be rogue/wizard because both of them rely on intelligence but i would like to have tenser transformation with some of the fighters abilities. i think a fighter 10/ sorcerer 20 or fighter 10/ wizard 20 would be a good character with good magic/melee attacks. It could be a:
str 12
dex 10
con 14
wil 10
int 10 or 18
cha 18 or 10[/QUOTE]
How about this?
Deep Gnome Fighter 4/ Illusionist X
STR 10 DEX 20 CON 12 WIS 10 INT 18 CHA 8
Weapons: Dual short swords
Feats: Amberdexterity, Two-Weapon Fighting & Weapon Finesse
I don't like using gnomes I just don't like them but what about a drow fighter 4/ rogue X?i just don't know!!!!!!! Any of you think a figther/(sorcerer or wizard) can be a must in HoF? can it be a good character? which do you think that would be a good party leader?For me he has to be a melee oriented but with magic!But i don't want a cleric!!!! I think they are too overpowered
In HoF mostlt melee is pointless.. summons do that better.. and since malisson and vail of banshee is quite nice combo.. i would say that one pure sorcerer/wizard is must.. but second sorcerer/wizard (this could be your fighter and mage char)... but then you would have 5 party members..
But it would help you lot in HoF.. other casts vail of banshee and other malisson.. this way you will take out most mosnters wich will give you better chance to survive.. for last char i would take second cleric.. in normal 6 player party is hardest.. but in HoF it is most easiest..
How can you say no to this face?
But seriusly.. Party without Bard is not party...
I can understand that SYM forum.. mentally 6 year old people is just running around with scissors on their hand.
If in HoF melee is pointless what would you say about an paly of mystra 3/evoker X or maybe paly of mystra 3/ sorcerer X this way I could use the benefits of holy avenger and with tenser trasformation become a melee character. What do you think? But I don't know if the paly of mystra could multi without penalty to a sorcerer or not If I multi to a sorcerer the charisma could make some diffference. I think drow would be a good choice
Actually, you could do Pally 3/Sorceror X, just have to take the three Pally levels first because once you multi to Sorceror you can't go back to Pally. With the high CHA for both classes, s/he would be a prime leader except that Pallys reject rewards. Personally, I love the Male Drow Rogue 3/Wizard X.
Male drow Paly mystra 3/wizard X
STR 10 DEX 10 CON 16 WIS 10 INT 18 CHA 16
If I want rewards i just send another character collect it!!!! what would make the rogue/wizard better than paly/wizard? because I think that rogue /wizard is also a very good combo but how would you put the abilities of your rogue/wizard?
I was doing some experience in the game anda i came to the conclusion that a paly 3/ sorcerer X was much better than an Paly 3 / Wizard X maybe I can even go to a paly 10 / sorcerer 20 but i don't know
Sorry if somones already mentioned this, but I just created an icewind dale1 party with 3 of my characters having:
(however one had 18 wis instead of int and the other sacrificed int for 18 chr)
But anyway, for these 3 characters I rolled for like 2 minutes max and got these rolls (I limit my roles to like 20 for a bit of fairness - also, I am VERY lucky with dice in general)
So yeah, try for something that good.
(btw stats might be slightly different, I think one of them had like 17 con and 19 dex due to race, but it was max all and 10 on 2 of them)
Other characters had like max all but 2 on 7-10 and maybe 1 stat less than max.
You said you were playing HoF mode right? Do you still have the Chain of Drakhas armour from the Severed Hand? It's the best armour around IMHO, 7 armour, no max. dex. bonus and 0% arcane failure. I'd probably go for Fighter/Wizard so that when you invest points in Int. you get a payoff in skill points. Charisma gives you no other bonus except price reductions in stores. You'd be better having a dedicated Sorceror or Bard with maxed out Char. for this.
Taking Fighter levels allows you to get the most of the bonus feats like Spell Focus/Penetration and the elemental mastery feats like Aegis of Rime. You need to be clear on what this guys focus will be - is he a fighter that uses spell casting to up his fighting ability (mirror images, imp. invis, stoneskin etc.), or a spell caster that can also fight if necessary?
Bear in mind that in HoF enemies make their saves almost always except against very high level spells, with GSF and high abilities in their spell casting attrib, so don't expect your fireballs to do much beyond annoy your enemies.
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pladin 10/sorcerer 20 sounds good to me.. it could be 8/22 too..
Yep that is true... all elemental spells are pointless unless you can cast 6 of those in same time... So spell focus necromancery would be good andn max spell penetration.. (thing what i said about banhsee and malisson)
How can you say no to this face?
But seriusly.. Party without Bard is not party...
I can understand that SYM forum.. mentally 6 year old people is just running around with scissors on their hand.
Had a female human fighter / sorceror before (also leading a party of four) with the following starting stats from memory.
Str 13
Dex 18
Con 10
Int 10
Wis 10
Cha 15
Built the sorceror side as an enchantress / buffer & disabler. Didn't bother with elemental evocation spells for the most part so I totally ignored the elemental spellcasting feats. I remember grabbing the enchantment feats and think I also eventually took necromancy ones as well.
On the fighter side I think I took weapon finesse, power attack and eventually the two dual wield feats. But I mainly used the fighter for long range combat and hid behind summoned dead & shades.
Can't remember what my levels were through the game but I think they were pretty balanced for the early mid game. Eventually I took more sorceror levels to get more dominate type spells.
Stat progression -wise I made sure charisma was advanced enough to cast the spells I needed to cast. I put the rest in dexterity and strength.
Wasn't the best character I had made but was one of the most interesting to develop.
Helmet: i told that before...
Armor: Chain of drakhas (normal or HoF version found in severe hand..poison quest)
Weapon: holy avenger and shiel or other weapon by your taste..
Boots: in severed hand you can get +5 dexterity boots
Belt: you can buy this belt from kuldahar.. in normal it has +4 strength and in HoF +6
Rest stuff.. by your taste..
If someone has names for all these stuff please tell..
How can you say no to this face?
But seriusly.. Party without Bard is not party...
I can understand that SYM forum.. mentally 6 year old people is just running around with scissors on their hand.
Male drow Paly mystra 3/wizard X
STR 10 DEX 10 CON 16 WIS 10 INT 18 CHA 16
If I want rewards i just send another character collect it!!!! what would make the rogue/wizard better than paly/wizard? because I think that rogue /wizard is also a very good combo but how would you put the abilities of your rogue/wizard?
I was doing some experience in the game anda i came to the conclusion that a paly 3/ sorcerer X was much better than an Paly 3 / Wizard X maybe I can even go to a paly 10 / sorcerer 20 but i don't know[/QUOTE]
The trick to multi-classing is finding classes that complement each other. Rogue and Wizard are perfect for each other because Wizards prime casting ability comes from INT and Rogues receive additional skill points which in turn is determined by INT. Paladin and Sorceror is another good combo because Paladins and Sorcerors gain from having high CHA. Another one that has become my favorite is Monk 1/Druid X because the Monk's bonus to AC is still used when the Druid shape changes.
This will be a pretty long post, but bear with me, I want to explain why I've come up with this.
The biggest problem I find with multiclassing Arcane casters is that to be good at either combat or melee, you need to devote alot of levels to it, meaning the other class will be weak. Arcane casters are hampered by armour, whereas melee classes need good armour to survive You really need to select a "major" for your character - either a warrior with a few 'tricks' or a dedicated caster that uses a few combat abilities to augment their arsenal.
Taking a few fighter/ranger/barb/pal levels won't make your Wizard/Sorc. a viable combatant. You might take some fighter levels so you can get a few extra feats and some weapon specialisation but as far as I can see the best option is to go with something like Human Fighter x/Wizard 8/Rogue 7. Starting Stats as follows:
Str 18
Int 16
Wis 3
Dex 18
Con 18
Cha 3
If you don't like going under 10 in any stats then feel free to juggle them around, but don't put too much into Int. you will have plenty of skill points with 14 - 16 int. you will be able to cast 4th level spells (max level allowed by lev 8 Wiz) and the physical stats are more important to you as fow will be doing plenty of fighting. You will be using light armour for two reasons, it will allow you to get max. benefit from your high Dex, and it's the only type of armour that Armoured Arcana feats can offset completely. Use two handed weapons to get the most from the 18 strength, rather than sword and shield, or dual wield if you want to devote the feats to it. This is especially good in the early game when multiple attacks rule. (shield also give a chance of Arcane failure and could put you over the 15% allowed by 3 armoured arcana feats). Sure your will saves will suck, but the Wizard levels should help compensate for this and there are always the Iron Will and Discipline feats to boost them.
Here's why the Fighter/Wiz/Rogue balance:
7 or 8 levels of Wizard allows plenty of combat tricks for you to use. Mirror Immage, Blur, Invis. and imp. Invis., Blink and Stoneskin all make you harder to kill in combat. Buffers like Bull Strength, Emotion: Hope and Haste boost your offense (although you will more likely have another caster Mass Haste your entire party once they are able to). Other utility spells like Sleep, Grease, Charm Person, Chromatic Orb, Horror, Web, Dispel Magic and the highly useful Death Armour add some variety to your tricks. All your spells will be very fast to cast so you should be able to fire one off per round even in melee without being disrupted and still attack. Most of these disablers and directly offensive spells will be pretty useless later in the game, so you will eventually fill these slots with buffers and defensive spells. Choose the specialist school you prefer, but avoid Necromancer which stops you learning Illusions - you main tricks. I recommended 8 levels over 7 because this gives you more casts per rest of your level 4 spells, without buffing your int. score 8 levels of spec. wiz gives you 3 level 4 slots and you can get a fourth without devoting too many extra points to Int. It's important to have a few slots at level 4 because there are so many good 4th level spells, like Malison you will want to have memorised. Cast a Malison on your foes as they approach, then wade into combat with Backblighter or a Massive Halberd of Hate and watch them fall.
The 7 rogue levels are here for versatility and even more combat tricks. 7 rogue levels will gives you: (1) no cross class skill limit on Rogue skills meaning this guy can be just as good at opening locks/traps as a pure rogue. This also gives you something to put skill points into on your fighter levels ("use magic device" will allow you access to Clerical/Druidic scrolls and items too, so if your cleric dies, you can use a Raise Dead scroll with this guy to bring him back so you don't have to reload). (2) a good sneak attack (4-24 extra damage on a flank attack or attack while invisible is always nice! Especially if you happen to be wearing Tymoras Loop for the +3 luck - this effectively makes you sneak attack bonus 16-24!). If you actively try and take advatage of this it can be a devastating addition to your arsenal . (3) Gives you both uncanny dodge against other rogues sneak attacks and invis. opponents, and Evasion which is excellent against enemy spellcasters, and also against friendly fire while you're in melee. this is especially good with your high Dex. score. and the rogues favoured save being reflex.
The Fighter levels provide you with more HP, extra feats, proficencies, weapon specialisation, maximised attacks and good Base Attack bonuses so you can actually fight well. Also allows you access to Fighter type only items like Little Giant/Dwarven Ogre and boosts your Fortitude saves.
At the start of the game muscle is needed over spells. Your first levels should be Fighter ones to get your basic feats in place, get your HP up and make your guy a viable fighter that he can stand up to a melee and be useful in it. This is his main role, the other classes augment and enhance this. Once you hit level 8 or so, start branching out into Rogue and Wizard levels. Take 2 Rogue levels first so you can sneak attack and get Evasion, then take 3 Wiz levels to get Mirror Image (you may want to buy the relevant scrolls in advance and hold onto them until you take your first wizard levels so he can actually cast something!). And then alternate between Rogue/Wizard. you get to Fighter8/Wizard 3/Rouge3 you'll bet hitting 3 times per round, 4 if you Dual weild, able to Mirror Image or Invisiblity yourself before a fight, have evasion and sneak attack for 2-12 damage.
Alternatively, you could play him as a spell caster/archer in the early game then develop his fighter side later. If you go this way, develop your Wizard levels first up to about level 5, then start adding Rogue and Fighter levels. You get a bonus Feat if you take Fighter as your fist class though, so perhaps 1 level fighter, then 5 wizard, then Rogue/fighter alternates.
In the end you end up with a capable fighter that can absorb and dish out serious punishment and has plenty of tricks up his sleeve.
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