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Item Upgrade Mod

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Item Upgrade Mod

Post by stramoski »

Incarnadine Elven Chain?

It's the last item of Weidu's Item Upgrade mod, and has a cool description... I only have one problem: I don't know what's needed to make it.

Here's the List:

Red Dragon Scales
Sylvan Chain
3 Andar Gems
3 Fire Agate Gems
25,000 Gold

The last three are easy enough, but the first two are giving me trouble. I've found elven chain, and sylvan chain +2, but no regular sylvan chain. I've also killed Firkaag back in SoA, and used its scales to make Red Dragon Scale Armor. And yes, I have the gemstones...

But that stupid imp won't make it! He offers it, which means he finds one of the two main items, but I'm not sure which one... Does anyone know exactly what I need? And if I need the pre-forged dragon scales, does anyone know the Clua for them?

Please help!!
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Post by Ieldra »

You'll need another set of red dragon scales (not the armor, but the actual scales such as those you got from Firkraag). You can get them by killing Saladrex, the red dragon on the 4th level of Watcher's Keep. Or you can use Shadowkeeper to edit them in. That way you don't neet the item code.

IIRC, the Sylvan Chain+2 should work
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Post by stramoski »


Thanks!!! I'm on LVL 3 anyway, so I'll just stay 'til lvl 4
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Post by Thrain »

i didn't know saladrax dropped scales.......can you make another set of red dragon scale armour from them?
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Post by Hesperus »

you can get another set of r dragon scales from the red dragon in the improved small teeth pass, i think saladrax only drops the staff of the ram and maybe some other basic loot, no scales, right?
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