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mace of aevar stone singer

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mace of aevar stone singer

Post by Asher »

What is it and where can I find it? and is it availoble on X-BOX?
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dragon wench
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Post by dragon wench »

A quick search on Google reveals the following ;) ... andweapons

Mace of Aevar Stone-Singer
Blunt, One Hand
Chop: 30 - 90
Slash: 30 - 90
Thrust: 10 - 10
Speed: 1.0
Dmg Ratio: 90 (98 with spell)
Reach: 1.6
Condition: 10000 / 10000
Weight: 90.0
Value: 50,000
Cast When Strikes
Frost Damage 8 pts on Touch
Charge: ? / ?

A hard-hitting weapon that is offset by it's great weight. It can only be obtained as a reward for the Ritual of the Gifts main quest from Tharsteb Heart-Fang in the Skaal village. See the Ritual of the Gifts Quest for more information.
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Post by Asher »

sounds cool I'll have to go get that thing. thank you.
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Sean The Owner
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Post by Sean The Owner »

you get the mace from doing the bloodmoon main quests....and you can get it on x box if you have GOTY edition only...(sunder is a better blunt weapon IMO)
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Post by Nobleheart »

The mace is certainly an excellent weapon, it is given to you as soon as you complete the gifts of nature quest for Skaal. There are better weapons however, as was mentioned earlier the weight of the mace drags down its usefulness. Sunder is most defintily the superior blunt weapon (IMO).
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Post by JesterKing »

if your a buff guy in the game, get it. It has perhaps the highest attack of any blunt weapon in the game (excepting stendar's hammer, which breaks with one strike, thouhg it does practiacally kill in that one hit) and if you are that far in bloodmoon, you SHOULD be able to carry it. i dontlike blunt weapons in the first place, but the mace certainly looks better than sunder(i think sunder is a stumpy little sledgehammer), and lets you use whatever armor you want without killing you.
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