This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
i dont know anything about the star key but wraithguard(the one reqiured) you get from vivec for doing most of the main quests and the other one you have to kill vivec and bring the odd dwemer artifact to the spider-dwarf guy in the corprusariam(im hoping you know where that is because you need to kill dagoth ur before you can get it)
[QUOTE=Kool69]1. I do not know what the star key is, nor have I heard of it before. What is it required for?
2. The Wraithguard can be obtained simply by following Morrowind's main quest line.
I hope this helps in some way,
to get into a door. it was one of the last doors, i'll make him go back and look again, he may have remembered the wrong name, for the same reasons he saved over his game and has now had to start over....
then he is talking about azuras star...go to the south east coast called azuras coast go into the shrine of azura(it has a big statue of azura outside of it) and talk to the statue(wow...talking to a statue...)then go to sheogoraths place there(north east coast) then go kill the daedra near the house BUT DONT GO IN THE PERSONS HOUSE!!!!one of the daedra have sheogoraths signet ring then go back to azuras shrine talk to statue again and you got azuras star...then you get to have fun finding the door of the incarnate....have fun
[QUOTE=Sean The Owner]then he is talking about azuras star...go to the south east coast called azuras coast go into the shrine of azura(it has a big statue of azura outside of it) and talk to the statue(wow...talking to a statue...)then go to sheogoraths place there(north east coast) then go kill the daedra near the house BUT DONT GO IN THE PERSONS HOUSE!!!!one of the daedra have sheogoraths signet ring then go back to azuras shrine talk to statue again and you got azuras star...then you get to have fun finding the door of the incarnate....have fun[/QUOTE]
Oh yea, azura's star is awesome. Hey what is in the house? I know you can't go in there because azura will lose the bet, but have you gone in there after you have completed the quest just to look around?
I used to hate going to weddings because the old people would always say,"You Next! You Next!" Now I go to funerals and tell them the same thing.
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To the Righteous belong the fruits of violent victory. The rest of us will have to settle for warm friends, warm lovers, and a wink from a quietly supportive universe.