Now THAT is a question you dont hear everyday...
But: sure, listen up...
- open your spellbook with... "s"? or by pressing the spellbook button on the rightside menu (the circle with the small dots around it)
- click through the pages until you've found the desired spell
- drag&drop the icon of the desired spell to a slot of the quickbar at the bottom of the screen. It will now "sit" there until you replace it or empty that quickslot.
- whenever you want to cast that spell, click on the quickslot with the corresponding icon
- your cursor will change into a magic-targeting-arrow
- click on your desired victim
- enjoy the show.
Also, remember that you have THREE quickbars.
- the normal one
- one that is visible while you hold CTRL and
- one that is visible when you hold SHIFT.
A lot of room for your spells.
My hint: I usually place all my standard
offense spells on the normal quickbar, all my
defense/buffing spells on the CTRL-quickbar and all manipulating/other spell on the SHIFT-quickbar. Makes things easier to access.