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How can i kill the ancian(red dragron)

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How can i kill the ancian(red dragron)

Post by sandeman »

The red dragon which is the ancian y veru difficuly to kill.

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Post by Legend »

You mean Azi Dahaka ?

You'll need to have crushing and fire damage resistance to stand a chance as far as i can remember. Or if your speech skill is high enough you can even convince it to step aside. But that never worked for me though, i always had to kill the dragon.
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Post by Clipper »

The creature in the mountains Azi Dahaka???(Spoiler)

Sorry the red dragon refered to in the original thread by Sandeman was not Aka Manah like I thought. My reply was for the creature Aka Manah. Sandeman was refering to Azi Dahaka a creature almost near the end of the game. Legend's reply was right on you can either fight Azi Dahaka or you can talk your way past him if your speech skill is high enough. I have done it. My over all speech is 94 (with aids ) while my diplomacy is 63
Clipper(Spoiler) :)
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