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Taco Magus
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Post by Taco Magus »

I've been thinking about installing Bg2/ToB again to try a solo character...i was thinking about a kensai/mage but im still not sure what to make...Perhaps a thief/something *shrugs* any comments on soloing would be helpfull also :D
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Post by garazdawi »

I once soloed with an Undead Hunter. He was a killing machine until the battle agains Mellisaan which I couldn't beat. Theives are probably pretty good too if you use enough UAI cheese :p , and ofcourse kenai/mages are known to be great solo chars..
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Post by Taco Magus »

[QUOTE=garazdawi]I once soloed with an Undead Hunter. He was a killing machine until the battle agains Mellisaan which I couldn't beat. Theives are probably pretty good too if you use enough UAI cheese :p , and ofcourse kenai/mages are known to be great solo chars..[/QUOTE]

should i dual or multi class kensai/mage
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Post by moltovir »

You could try Kensai/Mage, but to make it more challenging, I suggest a Blade or a Skald. Both are very good solo characters, also from roleplaying perspective, but they aren't specialized in anything so every fight is a challenge :)
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Post by me0w »

Blades are great, make sure you pick melfs minute metoers and mirror image in order to open trapped chests and kill the golems (that require magic wepeons to be killed)

- also go with dual Katana's and scimitars, works very nicely

Another good char is Archer/Mage, its similar to kensai except there not quite as powerfull, but still really great.

All in all go with blade, its the most fun.

Yet another good one is Swashbuckler mage.
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Post by Thrain »

bear in mind it's his first solo
i would advise the F/M/T for the simple fact that if you aint used to playing without a theif or a mage, you'm buggered when soloing.
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Post by garazdawi »

[QUOTE=Taco Magus]should i dual or multi class kensai/mage[/QUOTE]
Well I'd say dual as you cannot multiclass one without using ShadowKeeper and it gives you better control of how many kenai levels you want. I'd go 13 levels with kensai, but that decition is up to you.
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Post by me0w »

Definately dual if doing kensai mage, and dual at say levl13 - it appears to be the best time.

A blade is so similar to a fighter/thief/mage.

- Use knock to unlock things.
- Use mirror image when walking through trapws.
- He can pickpocket, so thats no issue.
- Ok, you don't get to use traps, but there not very fun anyway.
- Also, you can't backstab, but how much do you really require that?

So really, you can tackle everything. I did my first BG2 solo with a blade, its just so much fun, no major problems when I realised illusions took all trap damage, it was smashing.
(I'm not sure how great the blade is again the bosses, but I'm sure he does well, I haven't clocked it yet with him, but still, its not too hard so far.)
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Post by ensaro dai »

Being around this forum for a while now i must say ive discovered that me0w is definatly a blade devoted lover :) cant blame him. Kensai/Mage is quite fun, i multied it with SK (bad me) and had a feeling of it being overpowered :D tho solau had 50% of all kills (what a ***** with Crom Faer and FoA), was never able to do eclipse tho.

Mage/Thief is also a good combi (backstabpower), you coudl even multie a assasin/mage or something with SK, or choose to dual (when your bacstab multiplier is at 7x, tho u wont have thief HLA...

:) gl
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Post by Taco Magus »

Well Im gonna take a kensai named Blargfadum to lvl 13 and then dual class hime to a mage. Now should i keep other patry members in my group untill i complete their quest. Like pick up nalyia, get her quest then ditch her after words?

thx for the input so far :)
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Post by moltovir »

I soloed with a Blade all the way from Chateau Irenicus to Bhaals Throne of Blood, and once you get Time Traps and UAI, no one can beat you. Dragons fall in 2 minutes, Kangaxx is as weak as a kitten, even Irenicus can't stop you :)
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Post by me0w »

Oww, its a shame you didn't choose a blade. They are so cool!!

Oh man, I wanna get timestop for Celebdiur! (the blade) Man, I'm still waiting for my Bg2 disk, it got sent from us about 3 days ago and I think it got sent while I was at college, man I need to go postoffice and rock some Amnish butt!

Can't wait!

(sorry for this pointless post, I just wanted to express myself)
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Post by garazdawi »

[QUOTE=Taco Magus]Well Im gonna take a kensai named Blargfadum to lvl 13 and then dual class hime to a mage. Now should i keep other patry members in my group untill i complete their quest. Like pick up nalyia, get her quest then ditch her after words?

thx for the input so far :) [/QUOTE]
You don't have to have Nalia in your party to do De'Arnises keep quest. You just have to talk to her and say that you'll meet her there... actually there aren't any big quests that you miss if you go solo. Also when soloing IMO the only time that should not be solo is the two first seocnds of the game until you ditch Imoen ;)
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Post by Raumoheru »

a great solo char i like was the Assassin

get the ring of invisibility and cloak of non-detection and youll deal sum serious damage :D
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Post by moltovir »

Or go the original way: solo a seldom-used class. Everybody talks about Blades, Kensai/Mages, F/M/T's, ... Check two's old thread (search function): he soloed with a skald, which is more a party-orientated character, but found very good use for the Skalds song (hint: Animate Dead and Haste :) ) I'm planning my next solo, and I will most likely choose a Druid kit.

Edit: Reading all the comments in the solo threads on these boards, I really want to prove you all wrong by soloing a fallen Beastmaster ;)
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Post by me0w »

"Animate Dead and Haste"

Sounds good, but its a bit poo because the undead won't give you experience from there kills. This is why I'm so opposed to summoning and after my first summon of gnolls back in bg1 I never used summons again.

There just too annoying for kill stealing.
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Post by Numinor »

[QUOTE=me0w]"Animate Dead and Haste"

Sounds good, but its a bit poo because the undead won't give you experience from there kills. This is why I'm so opposed to summoning and after my first summon of gnolls back in bg1 I never used summons again.

There just too annoying for kill stealing.[/QUOTE]

Hmm... ? You get Exp for the kills you summons make, only if it's a creature you can't control (i.e. Pit Fiend) you won't get Exp.
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Post by me0w »

O ok, thats not so bad then. I guess in BG1 it might have been different. But still, its unfullfilling, its much more satisfactory to see that ME not some scumbag monster has killed whatever I'm fighting. I think I've only really summoned twice since bg1 and that was against some damn drow vangaurds in IWD - and I only use them as cannon fodder)

But I'll see if it works, maybe then I'll use the odd summon.
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Post by The Great Hairy »

[QUOTE=me0w]I guess in BG1 it might have been different.[/QUOTE]

No, you get XP for monsters killed by summons in BG 1. My skeletons certainly feed my PC's XP regularly.
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Post by Thrain »

but why have a mage do it when he's faced by a large amount of the enemy?

use summons frequently, especially on a solo
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