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Few Questions

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Few Questions

Post by Fred83 »

Ok was a long time ago since I palyed the game last time, and im not sure if im totally out of here, but anyway.

Since I started playing i havent been able to add extra attributes at any level (I'm 14 now.) I might remember wrong but i think i should have got some more by now?

I have 18 base Constitution but i only get 1 hp per level up (Should'nt it be more even though Im a mage?).

I have 18 base charisma, and my reaction adjustment is +2 (Table says should be +5?)

When started, I rolled very high on the Attributes.
This got anything to do with it ?
I might remember everything wrong though. Im quick jumping to comclusions =)
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Post by moltovir »

You can't choose extra attributes points at a level-up. It's possible in PS:T and other games, but in BG2 statpoints boosts are very rare (you get about 2-3 chances to boost one of your attributes with 1 point in the whole saga). When you play a non-fighter character, every constitution point above 15 is a wasted one, as only fighters get the extra con bonus. When you have 15 constitution, and the difficulty is at core or higher, there's a 50% chance you will get 1 hp extra at a level up, and 50% chance that you get an extra 2.
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Post by Fred83 »

Ok wish i knew that before i boosted Con to 18 hehe =/
And i only have 3 in Dex =]

11 str
3 dex
18 int
18 wis
18 con
18 cha

Where do you get all info from btw ? I must look very bad for it hehe =]
And where do i get the xp cap remover ?
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Post by me0w »

Oh god, 3 dex!! your mad!

Ok, get gatekeeper.

Then edit you characters stats.

The vital stats to have are :

18str,18dex,15con,18int (for a mage) Charisma and wisdom can be 3 for all you should care. As a mage your not leading your party, therefore you shouldn't care about your charisma, as your main warriors will be sufficient.
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Post by Fred83 »

[QUOTE=me0w]Oh god, 3 dex!! your mad!

Ok, get gatekeeper.

Then edit you characters stats.

The vital stats to have are :

18str,18dex,15con,18int (for a mage) Charisma and wisdom can be 3 for all you should care. As a mage your not leading your party, therefore you shouldn't care about your charisma, as your main warriors will be sufficient.[/QUOTE]

But i want to lead the party, I also want favourable reactions =)
and btw why do i need dex ? Its not like I NEED extra ac ? anyways i have the set dex to 18 gloves =).
And why do i need Str ?
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Post by moltovir »

I suggest lowering your Con to 15, raising your dexterity to 18, and raising your charisma to 18 if you want to be party leader. Wisdom can also be important for a mage, but in the cases you need it just drink a potion or two. If you really want to roleplay this game, lower no stat below 9 ;)
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Post by Grandpa »

Actually, 16 is the max constitution bonus for non-fighter characters. Though that's not much better than 15 I guess.
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Post by glenfar »

Grandpa is right, non-fighters go up to 16, at which you get +2HP/level.

However CON bonuses (whether fighter of non) only apply to the first few levels - 10 for mages, thieves and bards - 9 for everyone else. It's also at that point you start getting a fixed number of HP/level - 1 for mages, 3 for fighter-types, 2 for everyone else.

So for example, a 15th level fighter with 18 CON would have a max of 144 - 14/level (d10 + CON bonus of 4) for first 9 levels, then 3/level for next 6.

On the other hand, a 15th level mage with 18 CON would have a max of 65 - 6/level (d4 + CON bonus of 2) for first 10 levels, then 1/level for next 5.
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Post by Fred83 »

Ok man i must say you guys know your stuff.
I would like such details in game or manual, while its pretty much vital information. Preferably at the atributes sheets
Maybe it is posted, meaning I dont look hard enough.
Anyways thanks.
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Post by glenfar »

A lot of the basics you can get in the manual, which you should actually have (I don't know why they don't make it more obvious though ...)

Try looking in your BGII - SoA folder (By default in C:\Program Files\Black Isle) for a file called "Baldur's Gate 2 manual.pdf". In the back is all kinds of tables on level progression, spell progression, attributes, ...
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Post by stramoski »

level up attributes

When you hear of a game being based on ADnD (2nd edition), there is usually no "normal" way to alter the stats. Some items may adj them temporarily, but nothing (except a few in-game role-playing challanges) can alter them permanently.

D&D 3rd Edition allows stat changes every 4 (I think) levels, which would mean Pool of Radiance, IWD2, and few other D&D games give this option, and plenty of non-d&d games allow this, too...
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Post by Ieldra »

Here#s my alternative take on desired stats:

STR: you won't need the 18, not even for a fighter. There are just too many STR-boosting items in the game. Get enough STR that you can carry some stuff and wear the best desirable armor for your class. 13-15 or so. If you have excess attribute points, put them here if your character is a fighter, or a soloing mage.

DEX: 18. All my characters, regardless of class, have DEX 18. Not only do you get the AC bonus (Yes, you'll need it), but you also get the THAC0 bonus for ranged weapons.

CON: 16-18, depending on class. >16 CON is desirable for fighters, but not that important. If you have a dwarf, consider CON 19. With a +1 boost you can get CON 20 and start to regenerate life. If you have excess attribute points, put one here after you're satisfied with your STR.

INT: 16 for a bard, 18 for any Wizard. Desirable for any other spellcaster as well because of the Lore bonus. INT limits the number of spells per level if it is less than 19, but that's easily overcome with Potions of Genius. Completely negligible for anyone else, but I usually don't go below 9 for roleplaying purposes.

WIS: 18 for any Priest because of the bonus spells, and desirable for a mage as well - WIS influences the choices you get from a Wish spell. Mages with low WIS may only get bad choices. All spellcaster classes profit from high WIS because of the Lore bonus. Negligible for non-spellcasting classes, but I usually don't go below 9 for roleplaying purposes.
NOTE: In PnP AD&D, high WIS also gives a bonus to saves against mind-affecting spells, but BG2 does not implement this.

CHA: 9-11. Average base CHA is enough. With that nice ring you find very early in the game, and the Nymph cloak and the Blade of Roses equipped (if you can use swords), you'll get an effective 22 regardless of what you pick at character creation. I usually pick CHA for roleplaying purposes.
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