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Puzzlers Sepulcher Trouble

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Puzzlers Sepulcher Trouble

Post by Gwaihir »

I'm stuck in the puzzlers Sepulcher in HOTU at the three statues and the lightining door. The walkthrough says to point the three statues at the door and pull the lever, but when I do this, only the center statue shoots lightning at the door and the game tells me, "that didn't work, something must be wrong."

Any thoughts?
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Zel Greywords
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Post by Zel Greywords »

The statues need to shoot three beams of the same color - plus, that color has to be a specific one (in all my three playthroughs it was blue...).

The switches that set the beam color for each statue are scattered across the little lava islands in that room. Whenever you set one of the three switches to the correct color, you should hear a thundering sound in the background.

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Post by ladyblack »


Hello Zel

I think I remember this puzzle and when I did it, the lever was right by the statue. The one with the three gargoyles, yes? I had a bit of trouble first time around because I timed it badly, and fiddled with the statue when it was pointed in the wrong direction. But then the next time around, I just touched the statues, I didn't find any levers. But I could be doing it wrong!
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Zel Greywords
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Post by Zel Greywords »

There are 4 statue levers in total...

- 3 levers are on the little lava islands - and these set the beam color for each statue.
- 1 is on the same platform as the statues (a little to the west of it). It's the activation switch for the beams.

If all statues are facing towards the door and are set to the right color, pull the activation switch close to the statues.

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Post by Xandax »

There are 2 statues/Lever puzzles.

One where you need to turn 3 gargoyles facing a door and when they face you need to "lock" them in position by a leaver just next to them - all the time getting attacked by Skeleton bombers or something.

Then there is the one (which I think this is) with the "lava lake" and small square platforms to teleport on.
There the leavers to change "beam" are on the islands, there is one leaver near the statues that makes the statues fire their beam - and the statues also needs to be turned so they face the "door".
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Post by ladyblack »

Ahah! That's the gargoyle one I'm thinking of, thank you Xandax.
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