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Two paths to the 'Cleave' feat

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Two paths to the 'Cleave' feat

Post by Caudimordax »

'Cleave' is a cool feat, but unfortunately, it is only available to the 'default' attacker--characters that use dex instead of strength based attack cannot get 'Cleave' except by cranking up strength first, then selecting 'Power Attack'.

I proposed the following: (maybe I subconsciously want this directed towards the NWN2 crowd)

Make two paths to 'Cleave': Standard strength based Power Attack/Cleave and also Weapon Finesse/Cleave. How is an opponent within melee range going to know that he is being attacked by a strength-based melee attacker vs. a dexterity-based melee attacker? The number of steps to 'Cleave' is still the same for both Strength- and Dexterity-based.

This levels the field for weak meleers like rogues, halflings, gnomes, and elves.
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Post by Admo »

I would always make sure I had enough strength to reach that route, especially with a fighting character because its useful anyway, and if I don't get that much strength, my character can't carry anything anyway. All of my fighting characters carry a few different swords and things for every situation, so I need that extra weight. Whenever I've played a spellcasting, I normally have just one weapon + spells. So that is the only situation where I might sacrifice a little strength.

I half agree with you though, except that if you have the expansion packs, dex-based fighters can go for the whirlwind attack feat, and can get spring attack (no attacks of oppurtunity against character). So it can even out, and if you think about it in real-life terms, a cleave would be hitting one enemy and in the same hit attacking the next one. Definitely strength based.

In game though, it is hit-one, if dead go hit the next one. Which would lend itself more to dexterity types I suppose, but its just the way it is.
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