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Tribunal Aftermath

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
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Tribunal Aftermath

Post by Bishop17 »

Hello. Just a quick question that is now bothering me since I finished the Tribunal quests. The walkthrough does say that everyone will think I am crazy if when speaking to them I mention Alexwhatshername, but, I am permanently expelled from the Temples. Is this normal, after all I did kill their God eh?
Or did I do something in my past that was strike one and this was strike two?
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Post by Mccool »

You havent been running round telling people that you found sotha sil dead and killed amelmexia have you this is may by why you were thrown out, and if you were just randomly throwen out for no reason you can percive then just try and think have you killed anyone important to the temple lately?
And lo ye must learn of the great war that raged fo a couple of posts and brought the citadel momentaraly to its knees

I tend to appear briefly and disappear very quickly after that, try not to let it bother you.
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Post by Bishop17 »

Guilty as charged officer. Guess I didnt realize the peoples lowering opinion of me when I mentioned her had any serious effect on my status with the temple.

I suppose its a bad idea to continue with the temple folk hating me eh?
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Ideal Maxima
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Post by Ideal Maxima »

well, when i was exspelled from the temple twice, i didnt even realize it, soo i beat morrowind and then i figured out that i had screwed up bad :( but the temple isn't everything, so i never restarted my game, jus kept on goin, and now i'm done wit all the main quests, so the bottom line is that restart the game at your own risks, and the temple is not everything u no :p
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Post by Bishop17 »

I just checked back on my most recent save right after defeating Alex...
The only thing I still needed to do was the Common Tongue writer thing and I am at this point still expelled. I can't imagine I talked to THAT many people in that short of time so I can only assume I did something prior to that to get my first expulsion. Anywhoha, I will do what Darc Elv Nyte did and continue with or without the help of the dern Temple. Heck I AM THE NEVERINE!
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Post by Sean The Owner »

if your nerevarine the temple wont give you any duties anyways so it makes little difference
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Post by Asher »

so you need to go and beat the temple quests before you do tribunal and the main quests? because I'm part way though the blades missions and I have done everything I can find in mourhold.
I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other gods you will understand why I dismiss yours.
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Post by Ideal Maxima »

[QUOTE=Sean The Owner]if your nerevarine the temple wont give you any duties anyways so it makes little difference[/QUOTE]

I'm sorry, but your incorrect :p ,

If I remember right, you have to ask the temple after about 3 or more weeks after you have become Neraverine, and they WILL give you quests
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