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What the hell is going on?

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
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What the hell is going on?

Post by nirvecho »

In morrowind, all armor besides light armor has either an Armor Rating of 1 or 2. I ran morrowind without any mods and it still is doing this! Anyone know why and how I can fix it?! All my glass armor rating is 70, and all heavy-medium armor rating is 2 or 1.

It is making the game to easy for me, even with 100 difficulty because eveyone I fight has terrible armor.

I made a new char, and it happened on him to. It isn't just my one game that is messed up, its affects every char I play. Please don't tell me the only way to fix this it to re-install the game again. I have a 23 master theif with nice items. I don't think I can bare to lose him.

I already lost a 38 redguard, If I lose this char, I'm done with morrowind.
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Post by Asher »

I dont know what to do to fix it I just wanted to offer my condolences IF you do have to start over I know the feeling man I have had to start over like 4 time because of stupid little glitches I almost threw my xbox out the window after the last one. any way I wish I had the answers for you but I am like lost when it comes to PC.
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Post by fable »

Are you running any mods?

If not, I'd have to suggest moving your saved game files, then uninstalling and reinstalling the game.
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Post by Gromph »

With your chars do you have no skill points on heavy armour or something? or do you have skill in it and its still liek that?
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Post by nirvecho »

heh...heh... well

Gromph was right. It was because I have no skill in heavy armor on any of my chars. Wierd tho, that I would only just now notice it.
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