In the room with the scientist, there is a computer that you can access, but I keep getting a message that I cannot crack the encryption despite a Science skill of about 108%. Has anyone ever accessed the computer?
If I remember right, then I think it also contains plans for the VertiBird(sp?) chopter - (the flying machine plans) - so it should be possible, but I can't say what science skill level is needed, sorry.
I vaguely remember something like that, but im sure it had something else on it. Besides from san fran onwards in the game your stats need to be really high. Lockpick and science skills need to be around 120-130 if your going to be sneeking round and hacking things.
I have 125 Science now, and can hack the computer, but even popping a Mentat to get my Int up to 10, I can't seem to figure out the coords for the Hubologist's stash of wealth somewhere in the desert.
Just checked it out with Garfield. My 99th level character with all stats on 10 and all skills on 300%. There is no way to figure out the coordinates of the stash, nor can you format the hard drive. You just find out about thier future plans and technology they have.
There once was a beast over seven hills and seven seas... One day the beast walks out and says "Shit man! Look where I live!"