@Loredweller : the poster is not talking about the area with the lich , hes talking about the mass of undead in the room off to the right soon after you enter the dungeon. There is no lich in that area, just vamps , mummies and a ghast or 2. The invis trick works just fine there.
How can I kill the vampires in the Windspear dungeon?
I remember that I also had problems with those Vampires with my solo shapeshifter druid (without items).Originally posted by horse:
<STRONG>No no the best way is to have 5 fire elementals hasted thas has defensive harmony and sit back let them do the work for me hehe or i could just let me self and Cernd turn into a greater werewolf and hack them to bits.</STRONG>
With the low AC the Greater Werewolf is excellent against a bunch of enemies with special attack, but weak thac0 (like shadows, mind flyers).
Unfortunately I had problems with the short term Negative Plane Protection (no items) and with so many undead even the GWW can be hit (and solo without items mean no easy restoration). The other problem is that at least one of those Vampires needs a +3 weapon to hit (the GWW has only +2).
In such heavy fighting situations I have used four mountain bears (it is better than 2 fire elementals, and I only had two slots on level 6). Blessed, Defensive Harmony, the frontliner(s) can get Negative Plane Protection and some Nymph back them up with disabling spells.
[ 11-20-2001: Message edited by: Kovi ]
- Loredweller
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More careful reading might show there also has been a bit of conversation about the Daystar and how to obtain it - or so i've supposed. It's why i put 2 different posts almost at once.Originally posted by Lykwid:
<STRONG>@Loredweller : the poster is not talking about the area with the lich
Just MHO, i may be wrong
...for tomorrow never comes ...
...for tomorrow never comes ...
As far as the Daystar is concerned, I have never killed that Lich. I want the sword ASAP in the game, and I can't take him that early. I always cast haste and invisibility on my thief. The lich doesn't "see through" invisibility -- he's got that high-level cheat, Contingency. When an enemy approaches, visible or not, the contingency fires off Stoneskin and Truesight, revealing the theif. That takes a few seconds, though. Use your pause button to save a a heart beat or two. Immediately open locks on the chest (don't bother clicking on it first -- it's locked, take my word for it). Pause. Click to open the chest. Pause. While paused, take what's in the chest. Run like hell. BTW, don't hang around in the city gates area. Even before I loaded ToB, this is the one enemy that followed me out, into the tavern and into the street. It's easier than it sounds, but good luck! 
- UserUnfriendly
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to take care of any undead in game, have your cleric or sorc or mage get animate dead. at lv 15 or so, you get skellie warriors, best summon in the game, period.
Skellie warriors can kill just about anything except gated demons, and boss monsters.
gated demons have some wierd demonic overlord thing, they turn the skellies hostile. but skellies, vanilla works just fine against the vampires, just memorize about 5-8 spells. if you want them to last, or you don't have neough slots, caste haste and mass inv on them. hasted and mass inv skellies will kick mindflayers asses all day!!!
hasted and mass inv skellies will aslo do a good job on the daystar lich. have mislead sorc go in, stay near the door, and summon about 2-3 skellies. cast haste on them, and have them smother the lich. the contingency symbol death will desummon them, caste more and you will bring it down. Its quite possible to use skellies agaisnt liches, I've done it many times, the trick is to either get the skellies in close enough to disrupt spell casting, or send in two waves. the first wave gets munched, the second completes the mission.
Skellie warriors can kill just about anything except gated demons, and boss monsters.
gated demons have some wierd demonic overlord thing, they turn the skellies hostile. but skellies, vanilla works just fine against the vampires, just memorize about 5-8 spells. if you want them to last, or you don't have neough slots, caste haste and mass inv on them. hasted and mass inv skellies will kick mindflayers asses all day!!!
hasted and mass inv skellies will aslo do a good job on the daystar lich. have mislead sorc go in, stay near the door, and summon about 2-3 skellies. cast haste on them, and have them smother the lich. the contingency symbol death will desummon them, caste more and you will bring it down. Its quite possible to use skellies agaisnt liches, I've done it many times, the trick is to either get the skellies in close enough to disrupt spell casting, or send in two waves. the first wave gets munched, the second completes the mission.
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Darth Gizka!
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I'll try it all. I'm about to kick some Wolf ass (still in the same dungeon), and then it's off to Sethra's tomb (or somethign). After that, it's Firkraag for me. (Lets see if he dies as easily as the last time. Whoohoo for Wand of Cloudkill and 50 charges!!)
Cry Havoc, and let slip the dogs of war!!