I planned on waiting until chap 6 to deal with the Mind Flayers in the sewers and get a certain weapon. I had already unlocked both doors in the sewer while doing the Haer Dalis quest or at least thought I did. Now the doors are locked and I dont have the sewer key. Any ideas?
!ack!, you spoiled me on the Hammer's location! Not really, but others may be. As for your question, if you are roleplaying, then you dropped the key. Go back and find it. Or you can cheat it in with the CLUA console or Shadowkeeper. If you're cheating, go to gamefaqs.com and look for the item code.
I would highly recommend you get ermm... it, before you head on to chapter 4. It's definitely the strongest weapon of its type at this point in the game. Getting it after chapter 6 somewhat diminishes its value,not to mention it's darn good at golem bashing, unless you already got FoA.