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HOF enemy save question

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winter sorrow
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HOF enemy save question

Post by winter sorrow »

If someone has access to a game viewer / editor right now, could he or she give me rough figures for a few enemy saves in HOF mode? e.g. F/R/W = 20-24/10/10-14 for typical orc.

You can classify by creature type or average encounter in a particular chapter. Don't need much detail just estimates. Of course, if you have the details at hand that would be great. Ideally, I'd like some idea of start, mid and late game. Would look for this myself but I don't have access to my own computer at the moment. Thanks.
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Post by Heidrek »

well, a Wail of the Banshee from my wizard has a DC of 29 and is almost never saved against by Orcs etc. so I would put their Fortitude save must be about 10-12 or so. I'd think something similar for Will as Symbol of Hopelessness is an almost surefire disabler.
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winter sorrow
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Post by winter sorrow »

Many thanks. But that seems quite low for a fighter build Orc. I thought that all enemies have their Str,Con stat upgraded as well as their level in HOF. Is there a way of choosing to see the 'dice roll' calcs in the game? I used DaleKeeper but I am not convinced I am looking at the HOF mode creature stats (mainly because the HP figures look too low). Makes me think that HOF mode just applies some mod to the normal stats - not very transparent.
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Post by Heidrek »

yes there is - it's in the feedback options menu. You can choose to see hit rolls, saves and so on.

I had a look at the normal mode orcs with Dale keeper and most seem to have Fort. saves of only 3 or 4.

Not sure if you can get stats on their HoF versions, but I haven't found them so far. All creatures get a massive stat increase in HoF mode. I dont think your average orc has a Fort. save of much more than 10 or so, maybe 14 max I'd say. As I said earlier a single Wail kills almost everything in range, about 80% of them at least, can't remember, this may have been with a Malison as well.

Given that my Wail has a DC of: 10 (base)+9 (spell level)+4 (GSF Necro.)+7 (attrib. modifier) for a total of 30. this would stack up. Not much chance of beating this unless you have a will save of at least 15-20. Malison would drop this to about 13-18 meaning you'd need to roll 12-20 with a 20 Fort. save.

Tell you this though, nothing much works against Slayer Knights of Xvim, they shrug off Symbols and Wails like they're nothing. I'd love to know their HoF stats! The only real way to deal with them is to cut them down, but they do about 30-60 damage per hit and almost never miss. Black Blade of Disatser doesn't disintegrate them either, just says "...was unaffected by Black Blade..) The only way Ive found to deal with them is to have both wizards Mord. Sword them into the ground while my 500 HP barbarian goes toe to toe with them. Usually have to Heal him a few times before the Knight finally goes down. These guys are worse than Gelugons.
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winter sorrow
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Post by winter sorrow »

That's great info Heidrek. Many thanks. Will switch on the option in the feedback menu.
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