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SoA to ToB

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn.
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SoA to ToB

Post by Kenta »

I am about 1/3 through SoA. I have about 1,500,000 Experience. Should I wait until further along in SoA before I install ToB? If I install ToB, do I lose any of the other quests, etc. etc.
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Post by Numinor »

No, you could (and should) install ToB right away. The storyline of ToB starts after you finish SoA, so there's no problem with quests. ToB adds some improvements to the SoA part as well (for example a new dungeon, Watcher's Keep, available from both SoA and ToB, a new kit, the wild mage, [Tab]-highlighting of chests, changes to some spells and more) and allows you to reach more than 2.950.000 exp (the SoA experience cap) even when you aren't in the ToB part yet.

Edit: But if you have mods like TDD or Tactics installed don't install ToB on top of them. SoA without any mods should be ok, I installed ToB on top of a 'SoA + official patch + Baldurdash'-installation without any problems.
After you have installed ToB you should however install the latest ToB-Patch + the Baldurdash fixpack for ToB.
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